Message from @Triple 6ix
Discord ID: 796968554732847104
shes just the flavor of the weeeekkkkkkkk
I’m still refreshing
I did. The flag is gone on mi e
I feel it, not 100% sure. However this is like world breaking news going on so I’m sure a lot of the top hackers are all over this
Time stamp 🤣
Read what she says about the protests. WTF reality am I living in?
4th paragraph
@Uncle D 🔥 🔥 love the pics
That’s a terrible pic of us Dan
@Triple 6ix I’m not seeing what you’re seeing
Them titties 🙂
Didn’t even notice that lol
New Day, 12 days left for anything to happen
saved. thank u
thats brilliant bob
@Pipeliner_USA there ya go 😅😅 I know there will be gold from this one
I feel like that probably means it was hacked or someone with access went rogue 😂
Could be fucking with the supporters
I saw the Instagram trump projected win too about 10 mins ago on that same page
its like christmas
dont remember but love the idea
@Mr. MJL
Forget that DONG,what’s that up with that penis pump on the right of it ? It that his back up ?
No tbh
A friend of mine think white hats hacked IG as a show of force
Of course
You talking about mask boy?