Message from @malibu
Discord ID: 796975238105137193
Turns out it was a paper cut !!
That's a successful international businessman
what about H1N1... what bullshit
Wow. Hunter needs to get some dental work before he attends the Trump Inauguration on 1/20/21!
Lin wood is a savage rn
I definitely had covid. My wife and I lost our taste and smell for 2-3 days. Felt like shit kinda and that was it
Yeaaaah, keep the mask on 🤣
How do you hear about those or watch them? I saw someone posted a screenshot of the weird patterns
My coworker/fwb had booked tickets for her birthday vacation in Mexico next month. Scheduled to take the vaccine tomorrow, tests positive for covid today so now she gotta cancel everything LMAOO and this is a Trump voter too, but kinda RINO
My wife had covid
i was at 3 conferences with outbreaks
I probably had it
My brother got sick and he cant smell still its been like 2months
she was sick 3 weeks i was sick for maybe 2 days
How the fuck did Danny not see it was bobs eyes
Look up MERS... It was COVID before but no one gave a fuck.
Hey if you don't take a test, you'll never have Covid
Covid is loss or smell and taste if you don’t get that you don’t have it
her whole family has respritory issues
Good night @Uncle D 😘
Should’ve known when he conspired against Flynn . Traitor hillbilly
@jay thank you!
Night Danny
Water tasted funny to me for the 3 weeks almost like salt. Think it was covid dr did upper respitory infection
It was real it’s gone now
Not photo shopped! Last I checked it was still up. You should be able to look yourself to see
I have no friggin idea 😅😅😅 the voice distortion probably messed him up
It was real, I also grabbed a screen cap
Bro i gotta go drive 8 hours a 4 am..... I gotta have entertainment till then hahaha
@TommyG have you ever given your thoughts on General Flynn and Sydney Powell? would love to hear your thoughts, especially since they seem to like linwood (im with you on the oddities with lin but if hes dirty your lead is too no? so we gotta think maybe 70/30 positive no? 🤞 ) also if yes (on sydney or flynn) I can go watch the Podcast.
also what about those Pence / Paul Ryan emails from wikileaks (apply podcast rule here)
Uncle Danny come to the sports chat some time