Message from @r33dybhiu
Discord ID: 796986684373205002
Been sayin this all day
That's what a bot would say lol
Damn you caught me haha
Not a bot
Lin Woods off his rocker m8, even if what he is saying is true, the way he goes about it all is just hurting him and those in the movement
Eth jumped alot too!
cashless society en route
Guys I’m totally hoping for something big to bring down these elite pedos and swamp rats but is this much different when dumbass Obama got voted in? It felt pretty scary and shitty then too
Inb4 it all goes back to zero overnight
Can someone explain why a cryptocurrency deals with NWO?
i had about ~ $6 USD in bitcoin and it's closer to ~ $30 USD now
So was message that Biden read during protests, where is creepy Joe
Can anyone confirm the meaning behind the different folds of a military flag?
they eliminate cash currency, everything becomes digital and traceable
This is MUCH worse than then. All the leaders are actually talking about the Great Reset and Build Back Better aka Agenda 21/30. They called all this conspiracy for years and it wasn't and now showing this
hardy har har
You don't need crypto when they can put a chip inside you masked as vaccine for disease that doesn't kill
Thank you
yeah, and the chip can include crypto
Social score system here we go, China was just beta testing it for us all
Isnt bitcoin not traceable though? Isn’t that how people but still on the deep web?
*buy shit
you'll be able to "Apple Pay" with your hand, basically
If they really want they can trace it. Just sayin
You will be apple pay
supposedly, but i believe they've harnessed quantum computing, which will make anything and everything vulnerable
Delivery is trash.. but everyone hyping him up Parler though smh
Damn I’m really gonna have to learn Chinese :/
Lin Wood keeps things exciting haha you never know what the hell he is going to say
We in mf CHINA
yeah, microsoft has a language for it already Q# (Q Sharp)
@seblacazette not yet we arent
agreed, can't post anything on socials anymore, and google is compromised. united states of china
He seems ill if he thinks the way he tweeted the other day was going to believed, if not that then he may have done it to hurt the President