Message from @voyeur
Discord ID: 797134385613635636
I hope so. Let’s get on with it if shits gonna go down!
Does anyone know if little miss patriot got another Instagram up and running yet?
Is it a lightning storm? Asking for a podcaster.
You bet your ass!!!
I thought they canceled it anyway, going to be small and dumb
I believe a Robin Hood affect will take place. Meaning you may see flights potentially banning people for no vax or supporting Trump or whatever BUT you’re also going to see new company’s popping up I just saw a new airline company recently that was talking about flying with no vax or mask. So I believe if you look for it there will be something great to come out of what seems like a closed door. If that makes sense. There’s so many incredible humans out there and we will ban together to create new things.
Trump not going to inauguration. 🤣🤣
Trump will send a message via the emergency broadcast system, and MSM will tell people it's a hack. Wait for it.
I’m still very confused as to what people think Trump needs to be arrested for?
My days are sooo long now waiting for him to come out and say something
They’d prefer to execute him I’m sure.
this is the final and most potent trick of the cabal. To make you think that up is down and good is evil so you can lose your mind. Don't let it work
For fucking real
I kind of think along the same lines. If you disenfranchise 80 million people from everything you're creating a gigantic opportunity for new markets to emerge as long as the government doesn't use violence to just crush everyone out, which does seem to be the model they are aiming for.
I’m not bailing yet
Man I am trying so hard not to let it work but it’s soooooo hard
Can someone do a timeline of what’s going to happen for the next 13 days so we can do an outline and check them off one by one as a whole discord, and when nothing happens everyone will be aware and can move on
There is no timeline, either they start arresting people, or we were fooled
I’ve seen a couple of TikToks of military personnel saying they know where Trump is.
Someone said arrest were going on now
There are lots of people with lots of money that support trump. I’ll leave it there. Endless possibilities.
people do anything for clout
TikTok lol
I wanna share your optimism but we will see
Should be ashamed if you don’t provide a link and just talk out of your ass
Can someone explain the meaning of white hat to me?
Yeah fuck tik tok but if you have videos I’ll take a look lol
Ben kick people like that out
I heard the sky can be seen if you look up
A "good guy" within some type of government institution.
Sources ??!? 😂😂
White hat is an intelligence operative who works for the greater good, usually a network engineer or some sort of communications expert of sorts
Shit bye
Or that hacker that reports to Dorsey