Message from @DUCK_1
Discord ID: 797186476596396102
Lol I’m still at work :/ wish I could.
I love this movie😂
Pelosi tried to tel the Joint Chiefs to make sure Trump can’t access his powers as Command In Chief
The times article really sounds like she essentially asked the military to remove him from office
I’ll be flying home in a short bit. I had such a great time
I made this today. Both Bobby and Tommys conversations the past few days inspired it
Lmk if u do it tonight! I’m always free @Sideshow Bob
jack what are you doing today?
Glad you stayed safe!!
I had a security detail 😉
Janet came ready for the smoke 😤 love it
Did you get that dinner with interview??
Bruhhhhhhhhh we really are gonna go to the gulags LMFAOOOOO
Said it’s not a q thing, just an fu
Well y’all will, I’ll be playing football with Jesus before that but yakkk
Dinner didn’t happen because... shit is going down
Shit was going or IS going down? Like is not all hope lost?
Anybody see the affidavit from Italy. Outlining that this dude was told to change votes in the election?
Any thing going to happen
Pretty sure Italy was in on the Russian hoax
Fuck Parler, Fuck Dan Bongino.
living and working in healthcare in a leftie state I gotta always be careful when talking to my transgender patients lol
lol I knew he was suspect
I am behind on Danny boy
Bongino has done more to back our president than anyone in this room will do in 15 lifetimes
he's very financially involved in Parler and prioritizes that over backing POTUS recently
these stories real or fake are hilarious
Q shaman on now
lol , he fucking says all the gd time that he has financial interest in Parler. ANYTIME HE FUCKING MENTIONS IT on his show(s)
he caveats every single time