Message from @xStevenx
Discord ID: 797286692792172555
Yes and Apple store too!
tommy is fighting the guy at the grab and go again
This guy just wants to keep digging holes huh? All he had to do was object to electoral votes and he would have our respect. Now he has NOTHING.
I think everyone has been blocked for about an hour so. I one would have been. Able to post
It’s still up
Who reported midnight for potus?
Apple still has Parler
Not for long tho
not in 24 hours
Tommy is in sports voice chat, nba game
If Parlers back up and you see no posts for the past hour it means everyone wasn’t able to get in for the past hour to post.
@teamtrump parler
It’s reading it as military time lol
I know where I’m going shopping tomorrow
Make no mistake their next attack will be on our second amendment
Parlers down again what a POS
Parler.apk maybe on either OAN or Newsmax
Don’t have to be him
Hahaha over the half cooked cig on the sidewalk
fake account
I just downloaded Parler but I can’t find DT’s account (also I suck at social media so I’m probably doing it wrong)
this could be true, but they say this sooooo much and it never happends
That was fake account smh
That's the countdown to 8:21pm... As in 20:21 in military time
Guys I don’t think Trump is talking tonight. If he does it will be through EBS/EAS
That was posted 30 minutes ago.....
@Magachicana this real?
I think he’s gonna say it this time!!
I’m an idiot
fuck hillary