Message from @Pj
Discord ID: 797302819900096522
What did the my pillow guy say?
Took the words right out of my mouth
@TyrantSmasher barely
What’s red shoes?
we need a huge list of people that are getting removed from this trump twitter purge
machine wershable
Me too!
We need to do something about Jack Dorsey.
Oh they have lists...
From crack addict to CEO to saving the world. That man has literally done it all
Look up the Red Shoe Club
Someone post my pillow
show him a noose
Where do I start!!!
Shoes done with skin of kids
The glow up!
where is a list at? that is updated often
NO VIOLENCE of course. But definitely.
Human leather
Missed that one bud
i know ppl stay we need to stay on twitter to get the message out to ppl who dont know, but i think its finally time to fully leave twitter
Love that u didn’t include Ben in that
Well yeah no violence, but he should have to pay for his actions in terms of a trial or something.
imagine if half the country left twitter?
I thought it was for those who committed murder. Iono about the children’s skin thing.
Anyone hear about a MAGA rally in NYC Sunday?
I wonder how Tommy’s is coming. Hopefully soon. Worried I will loose touch with all of you.
The hell is with the King of the Hill gifs?
I’m saying they have in the state has lists. Was a joke
o ok my b
Why would they want us to revolt against the system?
God I hate her
MY underatanding is it's the skin of their sacrifice.