Message from @CookiesnMilk
Discord ID: 797306512057171989
I honestly don’t want it to lighten I like the thrill of the storm
Sooo anyone wanna start up a new social media company
Hhahaha I’m sorry, I saw that and laughed cuz I knew what he meant, but had the same reaction
When was this uploaded by him
keep at least a few weeks of water and non perishable food on hand
Feels like this is the beginning of the end for all social media tbh
you guys sign up for don jrs mailing list?
It was a new topic too
Who thought GITMO had WiFi
they only thing they havent cut us off from yet is the food supply
Enjoy tonight because it only goes down hill from here
could happen at any moment
@Austin Powervich grow it yourself. It ain’t that hard
Shit is going down!!!
Got my mypillows in the mail yesterday 😀
I wish voice was enacted right now.
Not me listening to x22 podcast when the ad about food supply comes on.....
for sure but still good to have some on hand until food grows
I can do ten minutes on voice with my stand up, then someone else can go to keep it going
The message is simple. But sometimes simple isn’t so simple
sprouts are easy to grow and cheap to buy
I have like 4 solid jokes I would like to share as well
@ben’s og crew you really got 10 solid mins?
@ben’s og crew I have a place to test it. 10 is a lot. You sure??’
Coup in progress. Anyone know if Gag lifted fro hammer?
That's from this past Tuesday (5th), maybe early Wednesday morning?
Holy fuck guys! The troll bots from Twitter have moved over into my personal FB! 😆
Let’s do it?!
Grab me by my pussy
Dudes a choad lol
@RedPillMindset that dude is dumb as a rock