Message from @Jay🎀
Discord ID: 797318430419976282
@traplordsavage what was dumber is that I left my clubs at the course and came back for them the next day... I should have just bought new clubs
Sorry Tommy I tried to stop them
take a day... i did it yesterday
Im@not panicking I’m calm as a fuckin cucumber
Yup. Agree tommy.
If you thought this was gonna be cookie cutter and some peachy legal victory you’re a moron sorry. It’s military or nothing and it’s always been
No u pay money but it’s worth it I love them
@TommyG listen I got my dick sir and I'm ready lol
I know what I believe in, just like everyone else on here I’m interested on what Tommy thinks. After all he is the one that told us about his source.. so yeah
Clubs r spensiveeeeee homiee
Phig I love you
I thought @TommyG was going to get his dick sucked lmao. Go live man. Some of these people need to learn to think for themselves.
@Jay🎀 once it dies down ill talk ab it more chats moving way to quick lol
If you thought this was gonna be cookie cutter and some peachy legal victory you’re a moron sorry. It’s military or nothing and it’s always been
If you're grabbing your dick, that kinda makes you the pussy doesn't it?
To many ppl spamming
They more than deserve that
Romanelli’s gifts are making me smile every time
@imaman does any of that stuff matter right now? 😂 this is not even gonna be like anything we can imagine
Tommy tell me my dicks not that small
If you thought this was gonna be cookie cutter and some peachy legal victory you’re a moron sorry. It’s military or nothing and it’s always been
love u too
Well I could have taken that 2k and bought a newer set... not batteries and whatever else I had to fix on the cart
“On my mother’s fucking birthday”
@TommyG is that source still mia
Owner of, big Trump supporter. In lots of TV ads for in FOX News.
bunch of pussies
Okay that is a good idea dm me in the onrong or aatoz aatoz is a better idea he knows a lot of things @Aatoz
man up