Message from @MrKeekly
Discord ID: 797332547620700211
“Box Lox”
D Bocks Locks!!
No he is smart
@Uncle D what’re the odds you call me daddy
Danny's got a way w the *women*
Just say no to bocks locks
@Uncle D I was a hardcore fan tell I heard of the soros ties. So disappointed
It will be the BocStem
Shit I drank 2 much and put 1000 on all of uncle Ds picks
Lock the D in
Get that gay shit outtta here
Who’s gay
This guy from the sports chat
He’s on the sports chat
Kashi banger
Paddy unreal 😅😅
Jesus... it’s like being sober picking someone at the bar at 2 in the morning
Good boy uncle Dan I wish I heard that
Some of you aren’t gay and it shows
Cocaine and Lego’s lets fucking go
I got banned from twitter because I talked to fuck head libs
Libs @ ur plow team team??
Tennis in 45 mins
Notice he’s from Marines
Uncle Danny I will make the meme u asked for
Give me 10 minutes
It’s going to go down! Parlor is crashing
Oh shit which game