Message from @Koreysat
Discord ID: 797354536964325386
must be if youre in this chat
Even hes basically admitting Trump lost? Dang
half a bottle of tequila and a twelveybin glad I can get all my crazy out in this groupchat normies suffocating
nice im half a bottle of tequila deep too
It wouldn’t matter those people r stupid as fuck
this true cause im boutta smack a mom w it
Maybe he’s talking about himself running for 2024
whats your dream car? a zamboni?
hahahha yeah exactly
zamboni driver highkey my dream job
Came from a friend who works for the government in DC so I’m trusting it
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking too but if he thought his father will run a 2nd term he wouldn’t be speaking about the upcoming term that way
I have a moose I ride whenever I leave my igloo
We are in 5th generation warfare. A whole new type of war. Information is the bullet. Guns dont do anything anymore. We have to adapt
What do you think about his wink 😉emoji?
You kill polar bear with spear?
well of course!!! Drizzled with maple syrup
I heard dem Canadans put maple syrup on everything
Hahaha we really don't. And most people I know use Aunt Jemima (R.I.P) over actual Maple Syrup
I’m not Canadian but maple syrup with frys 🤤🤤
Heck yeah aunt J 🙌
whats your blood type? poutine?
They were on voice since like 8pm lol
hahahaha wow you just have all the Canadian stereotypes hey
The HEB by my house still has good ole aunt Jemima
I don’t think the establishment will let either of them run 2024 because they’ll try to put the whole family in jail. So Trump better have something up his sleeve.
@Jay🎀 whats tommy’s vibe on all this
I seriously think we're going to war with China
anything change since yesterday
Agreed. Once his term is officially over they’re all just going to keep getting crucified by everyone. So fucking sad
On what bit? Honestly I wasn’t listening for most of it lol but I’m sure the date is still jan 20
lol bet
Still watching you 😆