Message from @FSMFSM
Discord ID: 797437323838357535
I typed that into YouTube & found alot of irrelevant vids🤷♀️
Awwwww yea. The timing of it too.
DC cop claims off-duty personnel were among rioters and 'flashed ID badges' at on-duty colleagues
What’s new people?
I just saw on the news that a plane went down off the coast of Indonesia...anyone research that and figure out why it really went down? Flight rosters/etc.
Its gotta be staged diversionary news cycle.
This week is going to be pandemonium.
Possibly. I don’t know though.
Yeah it will be
All these things now are half real half staged fakout horror events.
Dc was clearly some patriots some infiltratirs mixed.
Well, I ready for whatever happens next. Locked and loaded.
And my Trump signs/flags won’t be coming down from my house.
Pandemonium.. freaking hell , I feel it too
Smart man.
You know what I just thought of. When I worked for the school district there was a rule that if we left our computer open and the screen not locked there were serious consequences. Like I believe that was a fireable offense. Because I had access to person data of students. And Pelosi leaves her laptop open and nothing
Great risings everyone. Waking up thankful for another absolutely beautiful day. How yall doing
Red sparrow !! U too!?
I'm in berkekey I could catch an antifa bullet any moment. I just want it to be over. I never bugged out if here because of friends and income. I'm surrounded by satanic reptile hate. Pray for me
It looks absolutely breath-taking
I don’t work their anymore. Mostly because of the left bs.
Ur holographic simulation has served u well....
Kidding folks
Oh what?? Spill the beans!!!
I mean it is under water, but im not convinced its a hologram. It produces its own light. Where does that come from?
Reminds me of that song. “Insane in the membrane”
What does that mean lol
Trumps tweet yesterday, last one on potus account he said "stay tuned"
Jack is banning everyone cuz he is shitting bricks
Alr guys Gn or gm
As I’m typing this it’s 420
Twitter is going to be a hot mess when I wake up