Message from @arob18
Discord ID: 797476198761889805
Along those lines of "The" was in this post too, it must mean something. This is a really great book for anyone into that kind of stuff...
Welcome to 1984 guys! Fun innit?
The drops are ordered as a counter (1 to however many). So of course there's always going to be one that you can link to any time on the clock. But should you? It's not a hidden code.
100%. I’m not worried about the government really. Was just saying for communications that you don’t want flagging you to FB and shit so they can tie together secondary accounts and mass ban
Or make it harder at least
Life imitates art
What's even more sad folks as we known about this agenda 21 years back That's when we should've been putting things in play to stop this we've known about this for years and yet done nothing and now the time is finally coming across over we quite possibly have passed the mark of no return
Remember the episode of Dr Who when they bring Van Gough to the museum where all his art work is?
Imagine bringing George Orwell into 2021 and being like LOOK BRO and seeing his reaction
I keep hearing people mention the “new” Wikileaks drops but all the ones I see are the same ones we’ve had
Very interesting!
They love using mimicking imagery for their false flags.
Sorry it was liver. The liver filters blood to prolong life?
That was posted in 2008 and I believe it was debunked as that company wasn’t even founded until a couple years later
You don't need a source to tell Steve Jobs had HIV, a look at his malnutricioned body was more than enough
They used a PCR test too. Don’t they test for covid with those?
Pretty sure apple was founded way before 2008. Probably late 70s
Wait misread
Florida gang
Wikileaks released that picture in 2008.
The document says they tested him in 2004 but the testing company wasn’t formed until 2006
Southern gang is more like it lol Texas through Florida together
Texas and Florida gotta step up and lead secession. I don't want to save whats left of the pathetic shell that was America.
Best thing we can hope for now is a catastrophic event to bring the people back together understand that humanity is precious
Looking all smart and shit remembering stuff and not falling for fake news.
Trump using whatssapp has me cracking up
This is what I’ve been saying for the past couple weeks now
I think something else happened as the message Trump sent out over the chaos on the capital wasn't directed to the people outside, I think it was directed to the traitors in congress. he said he deployed the national guard but I've seen reports that it wasn't the case
@arob18 I've been seeing you in here. Think me and you are on the same page.
There was speculation that the military operatives that got Pelosi (and other’s) laptops were dressed in plain clothes.
Yes sir! NUSA (New United States of America) is what I’m shooting for.
Good morning @xBenJamminx just wanted to give you a thanks for ur efforts and research, I like to get in here and got around and rile up people/debate as much as the next person (usually to get people to see the craziness of their panic mode) but I can honestly say your commitment to trying to verify and produce useful information in a difficult time is admirable, wish you the best and with that i’m into the world to appreciate it for the day. Have a good day everyone
Don’t know I’d it’s a bunch of bullshit, but I did see a video of the Lt General talking about having her laptop
Oh, you literally mean NWO Project Bluebeam Reagan Speech Alien Shit 🤣
Who is this?
I saw it on Parler. Instagram banned people who posted it on there
I appreciate the kind words my friend