Message from @xBenJamminx
Discord ID: 797522133612757052
No worries go to “bets” and you will see the plays for today
Google is 👿
DM it to me. I need fap material
Where is the other discord?
Found it jk
Yes I know. DDG has turned bad too. It gives me about the same results these days . Google is just easier to get to sometimes
@xBenJamminx I found the link now and just need to be added to the chat room
I think a emergency broadcast disables them from disconnecting
This is true.
DDG will give me SNOPES in the first cpl results sometimes. Seriously up very top!?!
About what I’d expect from someone named Hakeem
Get bent
They sound panicked for the side that ‘won’ 😂
Did you post what it says to do on the waiting room? If so, @xBenJamminx will get to it.
My brother just texted me and said there’s proof Nancy Pelosi was planning a military coup. Any word? Lol.
Just go!
@xBenJamminx The left is eating that shit up!!!
Polish Q army is with you. TRUST THE PLAN
You guys are already in a war
Where did he hear/see that? You know?
And i back u 100%
My liberal friends literally want a war. It’s crazy. They don’t know gator don’t play no shit.
Lemme ask
Okay you go to account and enter your discord name here with the number. Then tag Ben
We gucci in Florida for reals
Snopes? Geez. Waiting for Trumps public platforms that was promised.
Figured it out. Thanks!
I think that’s just the tip of the iceberg unfortunately
When Tommy told his sources story, who was the one that said “we will take back the country while they sleep”
Maybe Obama/Clinton
Even tho he is a massmurderer
Wtf bro, a heads up