Message from @jn2
Discord ID: 797527392847527987
Iono about the President but it might be the guy who signed the affidavit confessing to help rigging the election.
I did see Pompeo posted a thing in Italy the other day about how we help them in the military now or sum like that
Ppl keep saying that's in India but I'm not sure. Either way that guy makes more sense than Pompeo based on appearance at least
Just a test
Got kicked out of Cabela’s for no mask lol 🙄
You know where we can see those same photos ??
Who cares if Powell is getting sued. Either she has the evidence she claims she does or she pays for being a plant and a lot
Cabela’s ? Nowhere sacred
todays going to be a snoozefest after all the action yesterday....
All the 2A stores are cucking up
lol ive been screamed at my childrens library 2x now. "MAAAAAA'M YOURE ENDANGERING THE LIVES OF OTHERRRSS!" first the fuck of all. i am not a MAAM
I wish people would just stay home if they are scared. Good grief. Go stay home in your bubble with your face diaper
completely..... i keep hearing every time i go to target they play over the loud speaker "if youre someone who prefers not to wear a mask consider the pickup/delivery option instead"
Yep. And the tone in which they say it is so annoying lol
i hate it so much -_-
is this legit
I hope so 😬
@xBenJamminx signed up for the 3 day pass. Name is rsmoke
Looks legit but who the fuck really knows now a days
That better be true😭
That mask his wife was wearing was WAYYY to obvious . This simulation is weird .
Have you guys seen the video of the girl getting shot?
No send in chat if you have it
yep , looks fake AF
watched it in slow mo. completely fake
It is
they live streamed her bleeding on the stretcher but i didnt see her actually getting shot
Tellin ya all some big fucking people are gonna he taken down for pedophilia at the least.
There’s literally no blood for the first minute or so until the camera comes back the second time
Someone posted a PDF about all the things re: voting and irregulatires, it may have been on Lin Wood's Twitter or Parler
we got 27 laptops i think the total tally ws during the "raid"
But it was a HUGE list compiled of all the fraud and election issues