Message from @MemesForDays
Discord ID: 797560570541899826
Ben do you think all of the censoring they’re doing to trump is their way of trying to rewrite history about him??
Ground zero practically. That is you can have more than one ground zeroes. Can you? I say fuck yes!!!
Lehigh university is a psyop
It is, I wished I could copy the link
Wow good eye
I think it’ll be a new media platform.
I read that they've already showed hunter's pedo pictures and videos on parler idk if it's true but I saw a picture of Dan Bongino saying that something big is coming out about Hunter soon
I’m thinking it will be
I’d like it to be something bigger. But maybe there’s a chance they’re launching a platform so they can get out some info to the masses.
Is anyone considering the idea that this Twitter shutdown was enacted by Trump's team on purpose?
I’m calling the cops
@MemesForDays lmao
Possible because anything practically is... but I don’t think so
I do the same thing. I also wear my mask below my nose. It’s the little ways of resistance that send a message
I don’t know what to believe but there’s theories that removing the President of the US on all platforms & silencing him is an act of war and can be what is needed for military control. ?
Kate, IET, Live talking about the “media platform” may be more of nsa like and switching servers to something military can control idk I don’t really understand
The pope can get fucked
Right, but isn't his twitter going down in a Q drop? Must be planned.
Pope is on the board. Big points
Thanks kid fucker
be sure to listen
He takes it up the ass for sure
Sadly, he’s the one doing the fucking to children
I wish I understood more about Q drops. But everyone saying Q foretold all of this.
The censorship was expected tbh, you don't need a looking glass to foresee that ,but Q has been on point ngl
Deepstate is calling every contact in their phone like 'BRO WE NEED U TO POST SOMETHING NOW PLZ'
trump needs to defend the constitution or the last 4 years were essentially for nothing imo
I'm saying what if the censorship for this particular event was a controlled-op in our favor?
in a sense yes... if America lets this election get stolen, we are in for a new battle.
Q is very coy in their drops because they are meant to be read in the future. Which sounds dumb like “even a broken clock is right twice a day” but Q mentions specific actions that have played out such as info leaking, military action, POTUS moves etc