Message from @Shibby
Discord ID: 797561913898696734
I also don’t get how ppl read them. They aren’t in order? They’re put out from random days 2 years ago and ppl find one that relates to today? Are there news ones still dropping? And what’s the deal with the Austin guy who claims to be Q?
Bro. Worst time to be getting a gun. You and everyone else
Yikes wrong thing
that’s a theory. been hearing that for awhile
he’s the commander in chief of the military and this is obviously an act of war. what’s the hold up idgi
If y’all want a green screen there it is
Where do you live?
Why? Seems like the perfect time lol
@MemesForDays hell yea man! Bro just yesterday an employee at hobby lobby told me to cover my nose because i do the same thing you do, I said of course and lowered it even more, then I took it off as I was walking out.
Google can answer all of those
You gotta be cognizant of the gun laws in your state though. Even though gun laws are unconstitutional, they exist
Live in 5
My home is in PA but I go to school in CA
Signal like the app?
I don't think he has blatantly no, coincidentally I started looking at all the drops last morning before the censorship begun and I was shocked when I saw the red1,2,3,4,5 drops actually happening
What’s that from? Or I should said - whom
I think some depends on your state. In CA there is a 30 day wait and background check. Costs vary but starts in the hundreds
Okay yeah good point
wanting our president to save the country is asking for too much?
im on signal
That's blatant. Red1 is twitter.
Thank you I appreciate it!
interesting, Elon Musk tweeted everyone should get signal this week
What Elon tweet?
Guy y’all should make a MySpace account
California has an assault rifle and high cap mag ban IIRC. I’d recommend looking into an M&P shield 9mm compact and a short barreled 12 gauge with .00 buck shot for home protection
How awake is your mom?
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