Message from @Jay🎀
Discord ID: 797591784129691688
They probably have scaling issues since they host their own servers
yes soooooo slow and trying to change my user pic and it wont let me ever
No its not! its self sufficiency
I’m fucked
I don’t even know where burrito live...
i can make whisky lol
@SwiftC0d3r96 and just connect to an open ethernet cable slot on router?
Hospitals have generators but when those stop...
Electricity isn’t going outta style
I think she’s more than redpilled. More than likely been abused. She was around all the elites and was in numerous terry richardson photo shoots. And that guy raped tons of models. Maybe she might drop truth bombs if everything comes out.
I work for Comcast . You Mfs need cable ?
Another day passes and 👌🏻 done btw. 😒
17/hr and i can smoke the whole time
I think you need to create heat via friction, then create some sparks with rocks
17 an hour??? sign up
Yep. And then point the DNS in the router to it.
Who u guys talking about?
Oh shit yeah I heard a lot about dodgy photographers. And she got into the industry early right? Anyone who shoots to fame like that I’m suspicious of
ISP and physical infrastructure is the game and they have already submitted to the GOV
welcome to the union, and they make more than 17 bucks an hour. you START at 17 per hour with 0 experience
I know she’s hot but so is every other supermodel
@a lil rain anything is possible
Its already happening , and yes it will mess with everythign
Get an atlas!
Get a map
KG big legend
Emily ratajkowski
Pakistan is a psyop...
Fuck Comcast and their new 1.2 TB cap. What a Bitch ass move. Fucking crooks.
buy a thompson guide. you can get anywhere
Have offline backups
Have just come in here whats with the model story
I bet kg secretly voted for trump
you will get banned from gay superservers
China deploy nuke in atmosphere will drag all electronics, problem solved for deep state