Message from @felldie1496

Discord ID: 566516089912295434

2019-04-13 06:42:53 UTC  

Not that im pro doxxing

2019-04-13 06:43:34 UTC  

Projects like this just seem too unrealistic to me, with too high risk factors for the individual. I am surviving well, why take additional risks?

2019-04-13 06:43:44 UTC  


2019-04-13 06:44:06 UTC  

So I wouldn't advocate for it right now but I don't agree with tfm that it'd never work

2019-04-13 06:44:50 UTC  

@felldie1496 Mgtow is not a movement but you're asking individual men to do their own little part. Find sneaky ways to put mgtow everywhere

2019-04-13 06:46:12 UTC  

Goals have to align, thats all. Men cooperate, even very well, when enough common ground is there. So it isn't impossible on a low, middle scale. But if you expect men en masse to cooperate, then it becomes too unstable, I don't see that happening without some kind of external coercion

2019-04-13 06:47:07 UTC  

Put it on toilet paper put it on the bathroom wall scribble it on your girlfriend's phase scribble it under cars scribble it everywhere mgtow.

2019-04-13 06:47:21 UTC  


2019-04-13 06:47:22 UTC  


2019-04-13 06:47:37 UTC  

Scribble mgtow in your girlfriends face huh

2019-04-13 06:47:54 UTC  

In my uni people write redpills on bathroom stalls, I think that's enough even if I don't really support vandalism.

2019-04-13 06:48:01 UTC  

I think the only way is find another dude who has similarities with your own goal

2019-04-13 06:48:15 UTC  

Therefore, you can help each other.

2019-04-13 06:48:25 UTC  

Just make certain people know the word.

2019-04-13 06:48:40 UTC  

The word-of-mouth is so powerful that it trumps any form of advertisement.

2019-04-13 06:49:54 UTC  

A majority of people just do not know because they never heard the word mgtow

2019-04-13 06:49:57 UTC  

There is a reason, men have loyalty. As an individual you are better off, if you are reasonably sure you can trust the guy next to you, to have your back. Backstabbing might work in the short run, but tribes with too much of it will tend to be much less efficient and less successful then those with some basic loyalties.

2019-04-13 06:51:37 UTC  

You're not looking for loyalty. Your just making certain people just know the word and they look it up themselves.

2019-04-13 06:52:14 UTC  

It's like riding a Hooker's name on the bathroom door with her number

2019-04-13 06:52:40 UTC  


2019-04-13 06:52:41 UTC  

Personally, i don't spread MGTOW. I just don't care about other men. We need men in the plantation, if you don't have them society would collapse.

2019-04-13 06:53:08 UTC  

I think most normie men are taken a back when they see MGTOW doesn't lead to pussy. For them it defeats the purpose of living. So at face value it has negative value to them

2019-04-13 06:54:06 UTC  

@felldie1496 True, thats why mass MGTOW is societal suicide.

2019-04-13 06:54:38 UTC  

Lmao wheres thr call button

2019-04-13 06:54:43 UTC  

I don't think many men can be mgtow

2019-04-13 06:54:51 UTC  

Like truely

2019-04-13 06:55:33 UTC  

Mgtow is a self-made choice. Trying to lure other men into it is just a waste of time

2019-04-13 06:57:08 UTC  

If they don't come to it themselves they'll always be one blowjob away from strolling back to the plantation

2019-04-13 06:57:20 UTC  

Think about shaming language. Shaming language works on weak man. Mgtow men we've learned not to give a shit about it. Think of like compound Interest. Do not just visit the same place over and over. One goes 2; 2 goes to 4 then 8. It is the stupid question of what would you rather have a million dollars or one cent that compounds over 30 days.

2019-04-13 06:59:33 UTC  

It's surprising how many people go straight to shaming when you're aware of it

2019-04-13 06:59:49 UTC  

Most people in general don't value truth, they care more about what benefits them in the moment and convenient lies, so acknowledging society is the way it is is a tough sell for your average bluepill man. Most of them can't even conceptualize what self actualization is since all they know and vie for is pussy and female validation. It's not unlike trying to teach a dog the benefits of learning math.

2019-04-13 07:01:21 UTC  

Truth is dead. You get killed by defending it.

2019-04-13 07:01:29 UTC  

Or jailed.

2019-04-13 07:02:41 UTC  

I mean, just look at a child. He might say the truth without noticing, and society will shut him down.

2019-04-13 07:02:56 UTC  

you're not talking to anybody you're just writing the word down everywhere.

2019-04-13 07:03:43 UTC  

Not a very good use of your time

2019-04-13 07:03:46 UTC  

Yeah, the debate pyramid gave me a new perspective on the ways people convince each other of their lies/truths. Once you notice the linguistic gymnastics, it becomes trivial to spot when people just decided to believe something first, and then back rationalise their believes with any scraps he can find.

2019-04-13 07:04:29 UTC  

@Whats gay anymore Taking a shit is not a good use of your time but you know we do it anyway๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-04-13 07:05:06 UTC  

The thing about MGTOW is that people notice it without even knowing it exists. More and more men are going their own way and they don't need to brag about it, people notice their thinking right away

2019-04-13 07:07:32 UTC  

@felldie1496 You're not bragging about anything you're just writing the word down were someone can see it.

2019-04-13 07:08:08 UTC  

Again, you don't need to. Your behaviour is enough.