Message from @Tsukoyomi

Discord ID: 797338545780949023

2021-01-09 04:46:05 UTC  

In my opinion their idea of equality is victimizing themselves to make them feel good and make the right look bad.

2021-01-09 05:18:19 UTC
this video is interesting...not saying it is antifa but compared to the people in the back they do stick out like a sore thumb

2021-01-09 05:29:36 UTC  

Haha look

2021-01-09 05:29:52 UTC  

That video going wild lol

2021-01-09 05:31:20 UTC  

The original poster i got it from got his account deleted

2021-01-09 05:31:22 UTC  

The left: don't polarize and don't stigmatize!!! Also the left:

2021-01-09 05:31:46 UTC  

They think people forget but the internet is forever

2021-01-09 05:32:05 UTC  

You know I saw somethinginterestin about that

2021-01-09 05:33:11 UTC  


2021-01-09 05:33:37 UTC  


2021-01-09 05:33:59 UTC  

History is being rewritten in front of us. If we don't win the ideological battle in the next few years, the rare Europeans who in the 22nd century still dare to point out that Europe was completely white until recently will be colluded as conspiracy madmen.

2021-01-09 05:34:37 UTC  

You laugh when you see Achilles and the English queen being played by Africans.

But will you still laugh if you do not get explained to your (grand) children - who grow up with these media - that the history of Europe in reality consisted only of white peoples?

2021-01-09 05:36:15 UTC  

I dont know much if any of euro history but i agree with the sentiments, there is a culture and ideology struggle going on right now
What language is this?

2021-01-09 05:36:32 UTC  


2021-01-09 05:36:44 UTC  

I'm from Flanders

2021-01-09 05:38:43 UTC  

Forgive me for not knowing what that means, I hope the dude speaking can get something done or rather the people stand behind him
Right now as an American I'm trying to avoid being preachy because we are in a bad spot currently

2021-01-09 05:39:58 UTC  

Flanders is the northern part of belgium. After the next elections in 2024 we will get independant depending on the results but most likely it will happen

2021-01-09 05:43:18 UTC  


2021-01-09 05:43:22 UTC  

The dude speaking is a politician who is in the chamber of representatives and founder and leader of schild en vrienden ( a Flemish-nationalist group) and you should see him speak if you'd understand really someone that says what needs to be said and a real idealist. The party of Vlaams Belang here was 2nd biggest in last elections, is the biggest in the polls rn and will get a monsterscore in 2024

2021-01-09 05:44:53 UTC  

2 maten, 2 gewichten. All these guys of zuckerberg and bill gates are not to be trusted at all

2021-01-09 05:45:14 UTC  

So Belgium is slowly turning in the right direction?
I mean small strides are still progress so with as bleak as the world is right now, I will take it

2021-01-09 05:46:44 UTC  


2021-01-09 05:50:06 UTC  

Belgium is an artificial construction. Nigel farage has said in the EU belgium is pretty much a non-country. You got the Flemings and the walloons. Our economy is better and we are the engine that keeps the rotten till the bone construction belgium in stand while the walloons play the boss and each year goes MILLIONS and millions of flemish tax money to wallonia, they speak french, we speak dutch, they vote left to extreme left we right to center right, we have actually far more in common with the dutch and were actually once one country with the dutch. We have pretty much nothing in common with the walloons

2021-01-09 05:52:23 UTC  

Interesting, if you were with the Dutch? What happened? How did you get separated?

2021-01-09 05:56:01 UTC  

In history the country's in europe changed a lot right. We also have been ruled by everyone: germans, austrians, spanish, french, and I would consider that the walloons also have been ruling over us especially in the beginning of belgium. There are people that actually want Flanders and the dutch to reunite Politicians in the netherlands said they want to make it happen but if you would want that we would have to get independant first anyway. And I think we should work more and better together with the dutch and maybe possible in the future get together but I'd rather have an independant republic Flanders

2021-01-09 05:56:23 UTC  

Also forced with treaty's etc

2021-01-09 05:57:33 UTC  

This is what it would look like when back together

2021-01-09 05:58:31 UTC  

Oh I know the netherlands, my buddy was stationed there and married a girl from there
I hope you can get independent soon, I think small strides is the way to go honestly, slowly moving things over
Europe seems so small, its so crazy how many wars and conflicts its seen

2021-01-09 06:00:06 UTC  

Yeah the next elections here is in 2024 so it'll happen after that

2021-01-09 06:03:18 UTC  

And things didn't move slowly here Vlaams belang went from like 5,9% to 18,6% or something and immediately became the 2nd biggest party by that it was really a historic win and now they the biggest in the polls with like 30% or something and if they would get to 50% together with N-VA who is the 2nd rn with 19% then the independance will happen but that's still 3 years

2021-01-09 06:04:09 UTC  

That's the problem, people see europe as this one thing. It's not, there are many differen languages, cultures, people etc

2021-01-09 06:06:33 UTC  

As an American thats genuinely how it's presented to us, being that we kind of just lob everyone into the EU thing
Most EU countries we know are Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, probably by design
But hey, it sounds like things will get better for you so I take that as good news globally lol
How did your country handle the lockdowns?

2021-01-09 06:16:48 UTC  

The confussion between EU and europe is not your fault even people here get them mixed up bc they do it on purpose, they want to make it seem like the EU represents europe or something. I am pro-europe so anti-EU, I love the european people so hate the EU.

2021-01-09 06:18:06 UTC  

And the EU is basically suicide for europe with the 'wir shaffen das' policy of merkel and people like guy verhofstadt etc.