Message from @Gottschee

Discord ID: 779798951792214030

2020-11-21 07:07:00 UTC  
2020-11-21 07:07:25 UTC  


2020-11-21 07:07:30 UTC  

emenem is asking to be un muted may i inquire why

2020-11-21 07:07:44 UTC  

he was muted

2020-11-21 07:07:57 UTC  

3. Do not spread or recruit for social media, personal media, petitions, etc. No advertising

2020-11-21 07:08:25 UTC  

I warned him twice about this

2020-11-21 07:08:38 UTC  


2020-11-21 07:09:54 UTC  

i talked to him about it

2020-11-21 07:47:33 UTC

2020-11-21 07:47:57 UTC

2020-11-21 08:02:14 UTC

2020-11-21 09:44:12 UTC

2020-11-21 09:45:18 UTC

2020-11-21 13:11:12 UTC for all those that think trump lost. First time the FEC has had an opinion about an election in a while.

2020-11-21 19:04:29 UTC

2020-11-21 19:16:03 UTC  

The Theory of Tolerance requires that tolerance is extended 50% of the way from the boarders of your ideals to another ideal's flaws. If the other ideal does not RECIPROCATE tolerance gifted/given to any amount? Then it in itself cannot receive Tolerance, and therefore cannot have a viable existence amidst a tolerant society and community.... because that ideal refuses to allow for your ideal to have room for existence. Hence why this is a paradox.
The worst Intolerances are 'Government Intolerance', 'Business Intolerance', and 'Religious Intolerance'. All three of these CAN be cured of Intolerance, if it is so willed by the people. However, if any of these are founded in Intolerance, or has a Tenant of Intolerance, then it cannot exist peacefully in a tolerant society. There will ALWAYS be Social Intolerance, and this is where we have to grow to be mature, and learn to 'censor ourselves' for the preservation of 'Freedom of Speech'. Freedom of Speech does NOT constitute 'Freedom from Consequence'. And Mature Self-Censoring' (Learning to ignore the ignorant) is the solution.

2020-11-21 20:02:38 UTC  

Hippios, this compass has no trust, and it's totally wrong by many reasons and that's bs.

2020-11-21 20:09:30 UTC  

The current platform for fairness is Law. Liberty provides Law we all have to follow, and generally states that "Any ideal that seeks existence in this Nation must NOT be actionable in primary engagement in intolerance' upon the rest of law-abiding, tolerant society. Any ideal that incites initial, physical engagement in rebellion, insurrection, or other physical violence, the idea and its following henceforth rescinds its natural right to peaceable co-existence in the established nation."
What this boils down to in layman's terms is: "You can talk all you want about your ideals, no matter how questionable they are. However, if those ideas starts a physical fight of any kind? Prepare to have yourself and the ideals ejected (and otherwise eradicated by any means necessary) out of the acceptance of the tolerable nation's boarders. If you can't learn to reasonably tolerate? You have no place here with the rest who CAN tolerate.
That is the general idea. It's a no-choice, ultimatum situation. If your idea enforces intolerance, then the tolerant regrettably have no choice, but to be intolerant of Intolerance. Either you tolerate, or you do not. There's no 'in between'.

2020-11-21 20:23:10 UTC

2020-11-21 20:37:21 UTC

2020-11-21 20:41:51 UTC

2020-11-21 20:47:17 UTC  

@Gottschee bruh i know lol its just a meme

2020-11-21 20:47:28 UTC  

Yeah, just saying

2020-11-21 21:09:27 UTC

2020-11-21 21:32:54 UTC

2020-11-21 21:36:46 UTC  
2020-11-22 00:55:30 UTC

2020-11-22 01:21:41 UTC

2020-11-22 03:16:58 UTC  

Can I buy your G3!?