Message from @KingZapapple
Discord ID: 771610673460805672
oh no I'm going to get smokes
They executed mah bois
Nothing about the Irish to my knowledge is respectable
> Nothing about the Irish to my knowledge is respectable
The brits stormed their island and stole their potatoes and sold their wifes and sons to america
Idk i just dont them. Or anyone else who doesn't play a role in us history
They fought back
True rebellion when warranted
The irish fought in the Civil ans Revolutionary
Well an important one anyway
Your litteral pfp is the Confederate flag
Also look at those fools now! Dang ira blowing up cars
Current IRA are fools
They got nothin to rebell against
Also AGAIN this aint the Confederate flag.
Origional fought because they were hung for wearing the color green
yes yes we are blowing up cars
If you put a shamrock in your hat yoy were hung
FUCK the Union Jack I want my country back
Have ya got no fukim homes of yer own
Billy yank.
!p leave her johnny
🎵 **Searching** 🔎 `leave her johnny`
at least our Revolution was somewhat successful
Oh boy
**Skipping?** (1/2 people)
Well at least i cant hear it
Leave her johnny , leave herrr
I sing when drunk
Im singin it rn tbh
hell yay bro