Message from @mightytrump
Discord ID: 779554880545226753
I’ve always been in favor of term limits
They seem like a good idea, but they aren’t exactly constitutional. So I have always been torn on the issue.
Constitution can be amended
@Smash Boy everything looks good imo except the authority and liberty. Imo it should be in the middle. But we all have different beliefs
It's more authority because I think order and stabilization should be our ends. Liberty I see as a means to that end. Liberty as an end in itself is what I see a major problem in America. True freedom is experienced through disciplinary means within a family and community. But you'll most likely disagree so we'll just leave it there.
On economic, it's centrist because some of the questions I genuinely had no certain answer, some I had to put agree or disagree with certain caveats, so yeah.
But really, I'm a paleocon and it's hilariously bullshitty the matching result in that political test. And the political compass test you see in some major independent media is supposedly dumb, this one has a shitty matching system.
Paleocon doesnt even exist on 8values
I used to get paleocon on some tests and fascist on others
Then i realized fascism is kinda cringe and now i get like perfect centrist
I consider myself economically leaning right and culturally centrist, i probably said that before
The OG compass is like biased towards the left so liking aspects of both socialism and capitalism (but more capitalism)puts you on the left instead of slightly right
I agree with the results
It's a no-brainer to be in favor of Capitalism, Nation, and Tradition by a good amount
On the Civil Axis, a balanced approach should be taken
The governments enforces and protects the rights of it's citizens
And the hammer only comes down when destructive events transpire
So 8 values hate paleocons, they suck ass, then.
So, to explain the authority result: It is my religious views that caused this result.
That would seem to make sense. I am a Trump Republican, not a Bush Republican (I scored 93% Trumper on
@President Elect Adams what website?
Check the pins it’s the what kind of right winger are you
U got a link to that test?
Not political, but on the simpsons psychiatry test I got Mr. Burns. Oh no.
i expected paleocon
I got Paleocon.