Message from @Krool99
Discord ID: 790768321841725470
When you hear Neo-Liberal, think Bill Clinton, Mitt Romney, George Bush, Joe Biden, or George Mcain.
It’s typically a centrist ideology that advocates for a high levels of legal immigration, free trade, globalism, and intervention in foreign conflicts.
@JohnnyZ Here it is. --->
It's more like Trump actually. The only difference is they believe in a carbon tax. Which I dont but the test doesnt know when I talk about the climate, I mean regulate a healthy amount of carbon cuz it's good for the climate (clean carbon)
I would disagree, Trumps trade tariffs are something that Neoliberals would never consider, along with his extreme non-interventionist attitude towards foreign policy.
Trump is on the border between Reaganism and Paleo-conservatism. However, he isn’t extremely socially conservative, and he’s realtively friendly to our modern welfare system.
That's not what I found when I looked it up. It was a moderate isolationist. And borders. The most relatable thing between them and Trump is the economy tho.
One sec
And I'm told I'm a Fascist (different to the one above, legit)
Some of those scores, such as the commie score I don't like being that high.
@Southernpatriot01 What test is this?
Politiscales if I recall correctly.
a true soviet would care more about the motherland not the world
And they would care more about authority as well
Yeah you're right, it was Politiscales. Only difference for mine was that the flag was only a blue banner.
I agree, some of the questions didn't make sense. They should have a button explaining these questions so a user can make a valid choice.
Lib right Boi
Woah 50/50 tie on the axis
That’s cool
A man of tradition, I see. 🙂
Wait a minute he is 9.3% left wing COMMUNIST