Message from @John Prophet
Discord ID: 724307313867096085
my guy
You too pal
what do you think is his best album?
I'm not the biggest Johnny Cash guy but my favourite song of his is Folsom Prison Blues "HEY KIDS" 🤡
She's hot... 👍
Yes she is
She's also incredibly intelligent, well spoken & very brave. 🏆 That's some Grade A Level WINNING 🏆
I could only find these on BitChute. The videos are great! Rated G, but I do not hold responsibility for anything in the comment sections:
A must watch. Black guy gets abortion clinic staff all kinds of confused. 👏
and Sheriff gives Antifa the message they well-deserve: 🚓
💪 💪💪
Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian World War II survivor, gives her account of Hitler's takeover of Austria. The similarities to today's left and their "progressive agenda", are staggering! This is a MUST WATCH!
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
That whole rally was amazing. He said so many great things, I wish I had been writing them down... He said "Kung-Flu" if you can believe it! LOL So much 🤣 🤣 🤣 in that whole rally.
The left are saying it was a fail cuz the stadium wasnt packed.... but yet there were 2-4 million watching on livestream. Fuck off liberal media
Take a drink every time the schmuck in this interview says "Black Lives Matter" ... 🍹 (I wanted to condense it down for drunks, but I'd have to learn video editing and patience first.)
This guy is criminally undersubbed.
Listen to the difference in coverage
I guess the lady in the background getting liquored up to meet Joe Biden
interesting time for this to get recommended
Watch that. It's worth it.
Thought this was a joke, but sadly its a movie
Unfortunately, they are the sturmtrupen.