Message from @Meryl.140.15
Discord ID: 735255500836307026
I said Genes are made of DNA, so if we match 50% genes we match at LEAST 50% dna
Opposite @Meryl.140.15
Genes are made from dna
you read the article?
And again, Genes are made of DNA, so if we match 50% genes we match at LEAST 50% dna
that's not what hte article says at all
1 sec
cripes. so this is the #notingeneralkansasanymore spoken of in legend
So you're counting other dna that has nothing to do with anything genetic. Which is the 50% we said right?
I think I'm just confused now. Too much circle talk. Can't keep it straight. Maybe people in the <#733947969765769237> room can help.
I dont think I can
i was gonna say i dont think either of us know enough about dna to really debate it lol
genes are dna or dna are genes
etc etc
Still debating on how evolution works in here?
so im guessing we didn't get the yellow gene from bananas then
I think we are arguing more semantics vs the actual point
Which is why this convo has gone nowhere
Dear lord. So now the argument is "Are genes DNA?". Well, they are one in the same, but they are different things, hence their different names. It's like arguing if the color gold is a shade of yellow or not
lol im just trying to understand evolution theory when the dna is so completely different
for example people have been talking about how chimps and whatnot have like 98% same dna as humans
i dont believe this, that's all, including the part where we were fish that grew legs
anyway i think we should move on now
There are many things that share genetic patterns with humans, but that doesn't mean we're related to those things on a level of like... two people being cousins. We're more like... 154th cousins or something complicated enough where we look totally different from them of course. Yeah
cousins are still human with human dna tho
ima do more research cuz i find this to be fascinating
<:dogekek:726878872607653918> Ye
Well that went to Nowhere, CA. Jk. Anyway hello.
well I mean you can give your thoughts on evolution if you'd like
ugh tired of hearing about masks
there was a vid of a employee fed up with the mask bs started pulling off all the masks from the shelf