Message from @OffensiveTaco

Discord ID: 791994196105232384

2020-12-24 18:40:06 UTC  

He asked me what I had done so far in my life, what skills I had, what I enjoyed doing, what I wanted, what I wanted to do, what stuff I had done in school, specifics about the stuff mentioned above. He also asked me how many times I had done drugs, been arrested, and been pulled over which all ammounted to a grand total of 0 times lol. He then looked at me in the barely lit front yard and asked, "Want to come to work with me on Monday?" That kind of shocked me and I Immediately responded with, "Yes sir!" Which he answered with, "We will get you paid." Boom's Owner and I had become friends pretty quickly I think, he told me his life story in that shed, so I told him mine. We have a weird amount of similarities... and its a very very small world. His step father was an employee of my father, and he had met my father on many occasions and didnt have too great of things to say about him, which I didnt either. The business partner asked about what work I had done before, and when I told him Walgreens he asked if it was the one right down the road, which it was. He asked me if I knew someone by a specific name, I thought for a second and answered, "Yeah, I remember her! She only worked about once a month though." The business partner told me that was his girlfriend and she was doing that to keep her benefits (lol, I had figured.) That blew me away though... even smaller world man. Then he told me to look up the Six Degree Theory, then explained it a little bit. It is very very interesting. So now I had something I can make with my own hands that a master will teach me how to do, I have the knowledge and means to get the materials, and I will be able to sell it for quite a profit... and on top of that I have been asked to come into work with a man who tells me he will make sure I get paid, regardless of whether or not its going to be a learning experience, and I am not directly skilled in what he might have me doing.

2020-12-24 18:40:12 UTC  

This is a Christmas Present from the Universe dude. Its kicked me around a lot for too long... knock on wood, but I this is truly great. None of this would've happened if I hadn't found that kitten (she had been lost for a day before I picked her up) worked my ass off and bought important things to make sure she was healthy, gave her a bath, walked up and down the streets asking about an owner, and then gave her up when it was time. I think all these things stuck out to him, which is why he agreed to become friends and take me into his backyard workshop shed. I have been given so many great opportunities all at once because I ignored the bunch of people telling me to just put the cat outside, she'll find her way home. I honestly feel like tearing up a little thinking about this because the past couple years have been nothing but a downward spiral, a relatively lonely downward spiral, and now I've got people who told me no one will ever care about MY problems, which I do understand to be pretty true, but are willing to give me a chance and just extend their kindness and generosity if I am willing to work hard.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

2020-12-24 18:40:29 UTC

2020-12-24 19:11:34 UTC  

Everybody complaining about clouds blocking Jupiter and Saturn but there wasnt a cloud in the sky here

2020-12-24 21:41:32 UTC  

Why do the channels disappear when you have looked at them?

2020-12-24 21:41:43 UTC  

It's a little annoying

2020-12-25 00:30:41 UTC  

Thank you!

2020-12-25 00:31:10 UTC  

do you have this little arrow clicked to collapse categories?

2020-12-25 02:00:31 UTC  

Thank you!

2020-12-25 02:03:06 UTC  

You're welcome. πŸ˜„

2020-12-25 05:11:51 UTC  

That is a long story... I think God's got something big planned for your life

2020-12-25 05:16:13 UTC  

Yes a helpful person in the general chat told me about the arrows

2020-12-25 05:18:38 UTC  


2020-12-25 05:22:32 UTC  

Mark Dice subscriber? <:salut:730846445732888630>

2020-12-25 05:48:04 UTC  

Shame on nascar and big box stores for this

2020-12-25 06:27:58 UTC

2020-12-25 11:42:10 UTC  

Heck yes!

2020-12-25 13:20:18 UTC  

Anyone else remember Seinfeld

2020-12-25 16:11:22 UTC  

Got 'em! <:thinking:726878987837636698> <:okabe_sip:752819985595760650>

2020-12-25 17:10:25 UTC  

I got myself a classic "You Are Fake News" t-shirt with the pointing finger

2020-12-25 17:13:34 UTC  


2020-12-25 17:23:21 UTC  

Got a train around the tree, albeit not exactly Christmas themed

2020-12-25 17:51:47 UTC  

My parents know me so well, best Christmas present ever

2020-12-25 19:50:43 UTC  

not really a meme so I'm putting this here

2020-12-25 21:36:09 UTC  

Got this for Christmas

2020-12-25 21:48:34 UTC  

I got that book it’s great

2020-12-25 21:50:54 UTC  

Got this for Christmas it’s not real but I still love it

2020-12-26 00:37:56 UTC  

Best Christmas gift

2020-12-26 00:41:38 UTC  

Here's the back.

2020-12-26 05:34:41 UTC  

Got a new mat for my turntable

2020-12-26 06:39:32 UTC  

This should go in <#726922041424478218> but ItS mOrE tHaN 30 sEcOnDs