Message from @qwerty_😎
Discord ID: 723272389340954716
athiests ruin every symobl used by god change my mind
Evolution is the most accepted religion in the world
@ArmoredSaint I am unable to change your mind, because I agree w/ you
evolution bases it's entire concept off a big bang
BIG Bang is ur god
There's no proof the big bang happened
U take it on faith because science books teach it
U can genetically modify anything, like watermelons
Really? @Rat King I've been informed otherwise. I assume you and I both don't understand the science but I believe in the big bang. I believe the big bang is just how we explain god's creation of the universe.
@Mr.E_z that's backwards thinking but I understand it seems logical to you
please enlighten me. How is it backwards thinking?
Ah shit here we go agane
clearly states in the Bible that God created the heavens and earth in 6 days
Wasn't a big bang and took trillions of years to eventually evolve
You're trying to rationalize evolution with God's creation
It's typical
G2g now guys
Love peace and chicken grease
oh. no no no, I believe God created the earth in 6 days, just as it's written. But that doesn't mean that the explosion, called the big bang didn't occur, you are aware of the similarity between the first verse and the big bang, right? @Rat King
> back to memes, I suppose. . .
@Mr.E_z That's pretty scary, you got me...
Can anyone post some fresh Sleepy Joe's memes so I can laugh 😂
> clearly states in the Bible that God created the heavens and earth in 6 days
@Rat King you do realize that not every part of the Bible is to be taken literally. There are parts of the Bible that are literal, there are parts that are metaphorical, and there are parts that are allegorical.
@TheFirelord3 Bro, your lack of faith is showing. . .
"In god we trust"
> @TheFirelord3 Bro, your lack of faith is showing. . .
@Mr.E_z how is that lack of faith?
Gotta love the classical Shapiro
@TheFirelord3 Because, who are you, ( a human) in the position to decide which parts of the Lords word are true or not. I believe the word of God over the word of men.