Message from @Hunteder
Discord ID: 727294133231812651
all in all I like campus reform too
Wait, this is not really political, but Hella funny
that is funny
Top tier you could say
right on
that would do it
I don't think any 'cock' would want to enter. It's a god damn death trap.
mine ran and hid when I saw this pic
I think it fell off
There I finished your sentence
doesn't peta mean "people eating tasty animals"?
Great so peta turns the animals into gays then kills them?
Also I thought peta didn't like meat
if we wern't meant to eat animals they wouldn't be made out of meat
@DonDiego I love your logic 😂
If the Clinton's weren't supposed to suicide Epstein then why did he exist
I confess I am a carnivore
what just happened?
How did we go from one guy kneeling to everyone kneeling? I saw a picture on Instagram the other day of a teenage girl on a soccer team standing and putting her hand over her heart while her teammates kneeled