Message from @Boneless Jungle Ham
Discord ID: 748282430321983509
I thought it was a glock
i live in wisconsin
this is just
Its sad what happened over there in Kenosha
I head Kenosha is a really nice place too
people riot over a exaggerated and incomplete story
man what they didnt tell you was the other riot
Appleton also was hit
R these "peaceful protesters" even from there?
not as bad but they did break some glass
im not even sure
It's looking more like an insurgency rather than "peaceful protesting".
No thats a Barrett 50. Cal
ok boys
Anyone know if there are any vids testing how much this armour could take? Is it even real o.O
is that the spartan helmet?
yeee i know
but....i have news
*they got some mad lads that armor plate them
I too agree that the new populist Republicans should be honey badgers
even if it ends up being the animal im not upset with that
honey badgers are awesome
Honey badgers are the most alpha predators
Also this is a honey badger
have it your way AOC
Is there a limit to the number of memes I can post at one time? Or is a dozen good? 😋
idk as a mod, but i guess its ok
I didn’t want to overwhelm or be too enthusiastic
Congrats to George Floyd on being drug free for 3 months now