Message from @nono
Discord ID: 768190135279681567
@lionheart great album! Also great idea!
@TheManWithaPlanWhoHasaFan videos in meme channels need to be less than 30 seconds (Rule 15)
Ok sorry
Great 👍
@^The Image Above Is Scary^ No talking in meme channels.
Well, I was shopping in Walmart the other day, (with the intent of buying all of their guns, bacon and American flags) when I spotted a Mooslem running frantically up and down through the aisles, and his name was Abdul-Mohammed-Jamal-Jabar-Steve-Jabar-Omar-Abdul. I was certain at any moment he would yell 'Allah Akbar'. Thankfully, my shopping cart was full of bacon (which as you all know, is Mooslem kryptonite). So I straightened my MAGA hat and pulled up my Confederate flag britches and grabbed a pack of bacon from my cart. I took that Mooslem over my knee and spanked his ass with the bacon while screaming 'Liberalism is a mental disorder!' over and over. Then, by the power of the bacon, Abdul-Mohammed-Jamal-Jabar-Steve-Jabar-Omar-Abdul instantly converted to Christianity and registered as a Republican. Trump showed up and awarded me the Medal of Honor because I probably stopped the next 9/11.
@Dragithius And you think this wall of text is appropriate here why?
y not
its funny
I asked lucario and he told me I wouldn't get warned if i put it in meme talk or just sharing
@redpill please add a sound warning for your video cuz it gets loud near the end
any good china memes?
i just had someone seriously ask me whats so bad about them
im honestly lost for words
Corona would be a nice start
The racism, sexism, slavery, religious discrimination / persecution, concentration camps, and being the single biggest contributer to pollution and climate change in the entire world are pretty bad, too.
Also, all the censorship.
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised there isn't a meme channel for China memes here.
ikr thats why i asked
Maybe check the communism channel? It's not a perfect fit for that you're looking for, but you'll surely find a gem or two.
Or the COVID channel.
and its someone with meme lord rank
stealing memes
stole my meme!
in <#750393154150203402>
All memes are stolen, If you didn't make it, it's stolen
It’s called meme trafficking
And so long as you don’t put it in the same server again your perfectly legal
I dont know why but the nazi hospital meme got corrupted when I downloaded it can someone point me to which channel it's in?