Message from @Freedom costs 1.05$
Discord ID: 768148944596893757
There are oven mitts in the background too
Anyone have that meme where that guy crying because he has to pay for ammo with ass?
@Abusa unfortunately you are only supposed to post Memes in one channel. I just want to give you a heads up because you might get a warm for it from a mod. Rule 16
Oh sorry, ill delete one i realized it was wrong channel
Yeah no problem at all, thanks for deleting one
@Purple guy 🎤🎶 no talking in memes only channels
we need a Trump card emoji
@EbeneezerTrust No need to post your meme in several channels. Pick one it fits in and post it there
Oh. Okay thanks. I'm new
I'm still new sorry for talking
@Vikingen it would be funny if that wasn’t Brazil when they had a socialist government
Im about to say it
im gonna say it
*gasps in christian*
@Freedom costs 1.05$ what about the N
The N stands for Nice People 🙂
@lionheart great album! Also great idea!
@TheManWithaPlanWhoHasaFan videos in meme channels need to be less than 30 seconds (Rule 15)
Ok sorry
Great 👍
@^The Image Above Is Scary^ No talking in meme channels.
Well, I was shopping in Walmart the other day, (with the intent of buying all of their guns, bacon and American flags) when I spotted a Mooslem running frantically up and down through the aisles, and his name was Abdul-Mohammed-Jamal-Jabar-Steve-Jabar-Omar-Abdul. I was certain at any moment he would yell 'Allah Akbar'. Thankfully, my shopping cart was full of bacon (which as you all know, is Mooslem kryptonite). So I straightened my MAGA hat and pulled up my Confederate flag britches and grabbed a pack of bacon from my cart. I took that Mooslem over my knee and spanked his ass with the bacon while screaming 'Liberalism is a mental disorder!' over and over. Then, by the power of the bacon, Abdul-Mohammed-Jamal-Jabar-Steve-Jabar-Omar-Abdul instantly converted to Christianity and registered as a Republican. Trump showed up and awarded me the Medal of Honor because I probably stopped the next 9/11.
@Dragithius And you think this wall of text is appropriate here why?
y not
its funny
I asked lucario and he told me I wouldn't get warned if i put it in meme talk or just sharing
@redpill please add a sound warning for your video cuz it gets loud near the end
any good china memes?
i just had someone seriously ask me whats so bad about them
im honestly lost for words