Message from @Froski
Discord ID: 768968031556468756
@Nicki-ki-A the worst thing about that was that she cheated using bots. I saw her stream going up by thousands in under a second.
lol cringe
God, she's the *worst*.
@Mex That was by no means a meme...please don't type/talk in a meme channel.
tfw a meme is 31 seconds long so it gets yeeted
You'll never believe what I found going through an abandoned Blockbuster...
my mother collects french lumiose boxes. I was taking a piss in their house and decided to open one... i found 2 of my baby teeth. I walked out of the house when I was done.
@Lynn that’s borderline rule 6
These mods have no chill
Low key some of these posts arent even sexual
Did you read the rules when you came back?
And those posts arent even sexual
Rule 6 has to do with nudity, sexual acts and stuff like that. I didnt see “sexual descriptions” in it
I must be legally blind
But i still wouldnt call that a description of a sexual act
To each there own i would say
is there an NSFW meme dump?
There should be one tbh, the restrictions on memes hurts creativity
Only 30 seconds, and no separate nsfw channel hurts the creativity
I could see people wanting a NSFW dump. But the channel could end up becoming very disgusting
If you really want a server to do that and join count dankula’s server
I’m part of subculture, a very free speech area
Practically unrestricted, 4chan of discord
> There should be one tbh, the restrictions on memes hurts creativity
@Друг, Gфд фf ΘωΘ we have rules and want this server to remain a thing. A NSFW portion is not going to happen. 30 seconds was something Tyler thought worth having so we didn't get someone posting a 10 minute video as a meme that mods need to watch for content, and isn't to the nature of a meme.
You can set a channel to NSFW mode so only people that are old enough can see it
Whay about the loud warning? Sometimes unexpected loudness is part of the joke.
Loud = funny
More like
Loud ≠ funny
You can also mark stuff spoiler
@alexs1320 Please, let's keep videos of atmost 30 seconds in meme channels. Rule 15. 🙂
The loudness is because people with hearing sensitives.
This is a soft warning.
Can I be straight, discord has thought of ways to prevent a discord from removed due to NSFW content. I own a discord personally and have to make different channels because of nsfw so we get free speech