Message from @Rocci
Discord ID: 781007889812422718
im not a mod and i wont tell you if it will be confirmed but send it to me anyway
does that include meme reactions?
yeah bro not poggers
no such thing Cobra
.warn @ThePersonOfFun Rule 1. No homophobia.
Discord admin?
when you listen to the rules yet life hates you
"1. Bullying, racism, personal attacks, harassment, or discrimination is prohibited. Discussion, memes, or other media depicting negative racial/anti-Semitic stereotypes are prohibited."
Yeah I want to see it as well.
I'm not sure that was a personal attack.
check cursed
it's the last one
That is not a meme, that is a biblically accurate angel.
@Kaladin how is that homophobic? The meme was basically saying “die and get buried in the gay cemetary”, its from r/okbuddyretard
I didn’t warn you for that
Oh sorry, well same question
Imagine pissing this many people off
This is for you
I'm confused
You don’t crop your memes lol
Oh ok lol yeah I forgot on that last one
Can you tell what this is?
YOu go Rick Rolled
@President-Elect bhcowboy Just commenting because I posted why it's just so blatantly wrong earlier: I dont know if it's pissed necessarily, as much as just simple disagreement. Equating _anybody_ in BLM or worse BLM itself, with Jesus, is pure fallacy.
@McCleskey Rule 16. Post your meme in only ONE specific meme channel.
@Liniores Gotcha--will remember in the future. Do I delete it then?
Don't worry, I've already deleted them.
Lol I’m sure ya did