Message from @Nope
Discord ID: 781357645700530177
iphone, android? what do you have?
Android Galaxy S-something
Ok try screenshot thrn
now click the button that says record screen
or google it
or duckduckgo it
The screenshot won't post here, lemme try the original shot
That one will, smh
First time this has ever happened. Wondered what the fix was.
The cropped version just isnt allowed, lol
Fuckin finally
Except now the anime run in general is over, smh.
<a:avegetalaugh:696856819330711692> realistically pooh lived in England though 😭
@OzPatriot36 you don’t need to add the text of what’s in the meme before you post it
Why is neo liberal getting tossed around like it means social liberalism. Neo liberalism is the idea of deregulation of the economy. Some people need to educate themselves.
That tree is fine lol
Zach the quack is an idiot
Meme Thief! I've caught you! @Mentrex 😁
They sure took a step backward
thats quite the downgrade if you ask me
If by "glow up," they mean "burning my eyes," then this girl slayed
Trump won
thw whole Biden team are all in handcuffs and facing jail time
dont do that
dont get me excited
With the meme I sent about the Drawing Asians. I agree to half of what they said about how Asian is an umbrella term and how Asians come in driffent pigments. But saying you can't do this and that because you are white is GARBAGE.
Dang. I feel your pain. But that's me and Spain.
memes are as close to communism ill get cause all ur memes belong to me