Message from @Caramon Majere

Discord ID: 796071175930642533

2021-01-05 17:32:56 UTC  

don't know fam. in other server that I'm in there aren't any "only English" and "memes must be 30 seconds long" rules

2021-01-05 17:33:43 UTC  

I mean, to be fair, we as a conservative group are under enough suspicion as is...

2021-01-05 17:33:43 UTC  

Those are to help the mods filter through stuff faster. This server has over 20k members.

2021-01-05 17:34:04 UTC  

It seems strict but there are reasons

2021-01-05 17:34:07 UTC  

This is a much larger server and the mods speak English. As I said previously, it's time for you to drop it.

2021-01-05 17:35:29 UTC  

fine, you win. i see that you keep an eye on me.

2021-01-05 17:36:03 UTC  

It would be nice to have a meme video channel.

2021-01-05 17:36:21 UTC  

No need to be salty. We all hate censorship, but these are the times we live in.

2021-01-05 17:36:49 UTC  

Because meme videos over 30 seconds go to video share but are drowned out by non- meme vids.

2021-01-05 17:36:57 UTC  

Video share, or just regular meme channels if vids arent too long.

EDIT: just saw your second comment. And I do agree.

2021-01-05 17:37:00 UTC  

you're right. but i feel like the admin has an eye on me

2021-01-05 17:37:19 UTC  

That's kinda their job, lol

2021-01-05 17:38:05 UTC  

well i was just mentioning my questioning when you mentioned the discord tos

2021-01-05 17:39:21 UTC  

If the ToS were to change, then I'm sure the rules would follow suit. Maybe not the 30s one, but the language one, maybe.

2021-01-05 17:39:38 UTC  

And offensive memes.

2021-01-05 17:39:38 UTC  

It's all to keep the server up.

2021-01-05 17:40:27 UTC  

well i will stop because froski (i know you're here) will tell me to drop it

2021-01-05 17:41:14 UTC  

He's just doing what he can to keep order.

2021-01-05 17:41:56 UTC  

well it didn't feel like it the way he talked to me

2021-01-05 17:42:38 UTC  

You're not the only one he's taken that tone with. He gets the sad privilege of playing the bad cop.

2021-01-05 17:43:27 UTC  

When you have kids, you'll know the feeling.

2021-01-05 17:53:16 UTC  

Don't feel bad. My memes get taken down too. And yes, I'll get warnings for the bad ones. Also depends on the mod. Some are more laid back than others. One (I won't say any names), banned me for putting reactions on a warning. Apparently, I was "pestering" him by doing so.

2021-01-05 17:53:24 UTC  

Look hot chocoa

2021-01-05 17:54:28 UTC

2021-01-05 17:57:17 UTC  

I watched that happen, lol.
I was part of the initial reaction rampage, but stopped.

2021-01-05 17:59:21 UTC  

Laughed my ass off when he kicked you, @-The•Last•Crow-

2021-01-05 18:00:09 UTC  

Lol see? A lot of people witnessed that. I never broke the rules <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-05 18:02:47 UTC  

Well, technically you were pestering, lol

2021-01-05 18:26:30 UTC  


2021-01-05 18:38:57 UTC  

I recently read animal farm.... It's made our recent politics look a lot more scary

2021-01-05 18:40:13 UTC  

Well it is a representation of the Russian Revolution so yeah it does.

2021-01-05 18:56:15 UTC  

Now listen to Yuri Bezmenov's tv interview from the year 1984. @Chris-gopher

2021-01-05 18:56:57 UTC  

K,I'll do that

2021-01-05 18:58:00 UTC  

He warned us about Social Justice and the commie takeover of schools.
We didn't listen.

2021-01-05 18:59:01 UTC  

You’d think they would have considering fears of communism at the time

2021-01-05 18:59:16 UTC  

Or did they ignore him bcs he was a former communist?

2021-01-05 19:00:16 UTC  

Most people didn't think that such stupidity was even a possibility, and the whole Former KGB Agent thing didnt help.

2021-01-05 19:01:52 UTC  


2021-01-05 19:04:36 UTC  

Ah, yes the negotiator.