Message from @VisionedAura204
Discord ID: 773575210216718337
it seems we'll have to rely on the court case
100k+ “found” Biden votes
man this aint good
there's nothing to really do
trump gotta go to scotus
that's the most likely route
also how do ALL of these votes go to biden and not a single one go to trump?
yeah exactly
tHeY'rE lOsT vOtEs
I went to sleep with Michigan and Wisconsin on the verge of turning red but woke up to Joe Biden winning them. Wtf?
cheating fam
Dems have been saying that they'd do stuff like this since day 1 in office
Is there any way from trump to still win?
supreme court
there is a way, but his chances are getting slimmer
that makes graph makes no sense
nevada could turn red or wisconsin could, but really slim
or michigan still could prevail
Nah man they just found some Biden votes. All for Biden. Totally legit
Yep, not fraud at all
it's really just reno and vegas in nevada that're blue
Reno and Vegas made the entire state lean blue
and biden isn't.... no biases there
same thing in minasota
It's still not over?
only a couple of districts are blue there
MI is such a race man
Ye but it moved for blue there. It was .3 before I left to get some food
Minneapolis and Duluth have a bigger voting power, this is bs
This is rigged
it's insane
And why is Minneapolis voting blue after George Floyd happened?
They are DUMB
I do not want a freakin' pedophile in office going around sniffing kids while Harris runs the show
idk... but anyways i gtg, work is a calling