Message from @xWarzardx

Discord ID: 775903061934997584

2020-11-11 00:36:18 UTC  

James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) Tweeted:
UPDATE: @Project_Veritas has obtained recordings of fed agents interrogating PA USPS whistleblower re: backdating ballots.

The recordings are explosive evidence of retaliation, “scaring” him.

Whistleblower has received a letter putting him on suspension without pay.

More soon.

2020-11-11 00:37:23 UTC  
2020-11-11 00:48:42 UTC  

Does x22report count as news, lol?

2020-11-11 00:50:00 UTC  

They WERE part of the first YT purge after all, lol

2020-11-11 00:50:07 UTC  

For whatever that’s worth

2020-11-11 00:58:10 UTC has Virginia noted with voter fraud. Anyone know of anything about that? I’m curious. I honestly just think there’s massive fraud all across the board but I understand why the Trump campaign is focused on the swing states.

2020-11-11 01:06:58 UTC  

I heard that here in Fairfax County, VA from a precinct captain, that someone either was scanning mail in ballots multiple times, and/or that there was one of those glitches which gave Biden 1,000 votes.

2020-11-11 01:07:45 UTC  

Of course it was just an “accident” and the error was corrected with nobody reprimanded

2020-11-11 01:09:14 UTC  

Can anyone make sense of this. Milo just posted on Parler, but, I rarely visit 4chan.

2020-11-11 01:39:52 UTC  
2020-11-11 01:42:06 UTC for those who don’t know, LUDE and gtv dot org were the first I know of to drop pics/vid of HB laptop, fyi.

2020-11-11 01:57:00 UTC  

how many representatives does the democrats and republicans have now?

2020-11-11 01:57:06 UTC  

@palenik162 interesting. There seriously should be audit or reflection. The amount of “mistakes” are astounding

2020-11-11 01:57:38 UTC  

Wow i just subscribed to Fleccas yesterday and just had to subscribed again. Nice.

2020-11-11 02:00:13 UTC  

Wth for reals??

2020-11-11 02:01:08 UTC  

@stillgray on Twitter was bothered by tucker tonight but I’ve been waiting for it to load on YouTube

2020-11-11 02:01:19 UTC  

Stupid fox

2020-11-11 02:01:45 UTC  

I'm curious to see the evidence they provide on Hannity

2020-11-11 02:05:15 UTC  

Same. Maybe no one else is allowed to report it because they want the ratings for Hannity? Idk I’m trying to put the best construction on it right now lol

2020-11-11 02:07:20 UTC  

Yeah exactly. It’s sad

2020-11-11 02:07:40 UTC  

money money money

2020-11-11 02:08:17 UTC  

Steven crowder said today (or yesterday?) he thinks fox didn’t like him when he worked there because he was TOO conservative. Just sad how much comes down to money and the ceos

2020-11-11 02:08:52 UTC  

What they did to judge Jeanine was ridiculous

2020-11-11 02:09:06 UTC  

Pff that’d be nice

2020-11-11 02:13:27 UTC  

I don't have the satellite in my room. So if anyone is listening to Hannity right now. Please tell me how it went.

2020-11-11 02:14:30 UTC  

DoNt aLl rEpUbs mAkE ZiLlIoNs Of MoNeYs A sEcOnD?!? Reeeeeee

2020-11-11 02:15:29 UTC  

@Xen 😂😂

2020-11-11 02:17:05 UTC  

Laura Ingram is at least a bit more vocal on Twitter but she does seem really subdued - very neutral at times which I guess is good as a journalist. I’m starting to watch more OANN and newsmax now

2020-11-11 02:20:32 UTC  

guys, this in <#760648730431979560> please <:thunk:436172513823817758>

2020-11-11 02:25:40 UTC  

Sorry I didn’t know there was another forum for election! Thought this was the only one

2020-11-11 02:26:29 UTC  

Uhhh, what chat should THIS go in? 😂

2020-11-11 02:27:33 UTC  

Do we need to open a porn news chat? 🙄🤦‍♂️

2020-11-11 02:27:57 UTC  

Sorry @TimeFire

2020-11-11 02:28:36 UTC  

np, i come here for news and not a wall of text, your good

2020-11-11 02:29:14 UTC  

🙏 I try to keep it “down to earth” in here lol.

2020-11-11 02:29:29 UTC  

Conspiracy chat can be fun tho

2020-11-11 02:38:00 UTC overview of dominion software flips, all accounts listed and discovered using a basic code

2020-11-11 02:39:16 UTC  

CA-25 worries me, because there’s no way that Christy Smith should be even close to Mike Garcia, much less leading him.