Message from @Kalshion
Discord ID: 776537981833183273
This is interesting, though not really official news. Can anyone verify?
Wait, so for those of us laymen... does that previous post mean that Trump wins PA?
Also, ew... who is still using Facebook? π
not quite yet.
still a few more pieces to PA before trump wins it
as far as segregated ballots go, i think the count was only 10,000
I've heard that it was in the hundreds of thousands... am I thinking of something different?
the order to segregate ballots was only for ballots that came in after election day
the hundreds of thousands covers ballots that GOP poll watchers weren't allowed to observe
Yeah, but with all the thousands of backdated ballots for mail-in, I thought that was included.
Interesting, does anyone have any updated maps to see what the disparity looks like right now?
> Also, ew... who is still using Facebook? π
@Chemyst I stopped using pedobook when I found out that they were openly allowing pedos to use their services to stalk children and lure them. Despite evidence put force by various police departments, pedobook will not take any action against those *things*.
Yet, Pedobook will ban a conservative for pointing out voter fraud; goes to show who they truly support.
That's sickening...
Didn't even know about that part.
Here I was concerned about freedom of speech, and all this time, I was supporting pedophilia... I'm disgusted.
It wasn't reported much in the main stream media (hell, even Fox only skimmed it a bit)
Yeah, I'm over mainstream media.
I like newsmax though!
Newsmax was where I found out, Drudgereport had it as well though they may not anymore, think they've become rather liberal
Glad I already have fox banned on my network
Careful with newsmax
π Did you read the whole story?
ew, didn't know that
That's the way to go
It wasn't a political statement. They admitted she would be a good candidate, and said the same about the other side. Never endorsed her, nor said who he was voting for.
CEO of maxnews even came out and defended himself
Of course he did. He was caught.
Just saying be mindful is all
Hey, I don't trust anyone without proof, but the headline of the article is a bit misleading.
Itβs from 2015