Message from @MY MOM
Discord ID: 781204775622410280
If proven I’m pretty sure it should invalidate his candidacy
Not sure if that’s true or not though
Just what I’ve heard
Trump Team won the hearings in AZ, MI and PA
So yeah
Those canvassers might never canvas again
And impacting lawsuits are hitting GA
And petitions in WI
At the very least
Imagine being that guy in MI who voted for certification after an investigation proves fraud
It would destroy this country that’s for sure
But it’s worse to let them get away with it
The guy who did is a RINO
It will take no more than a week for Biden to put us back into deals and packages that will fuck up the economy as well
And the legislators are stepping up in these states
@Bearsss I keep hoping God will send down some lightning bolts. That sends the right message, the right way.
There's all kinds of ways
They haven’t even started with the major lawsuits
Ands it’s ultimately to the state legislatures to certify
And also I’m confused how they can certify a state for a guy that only wins if he gets a county that if not certifying until after an investigation
100% true
@MY MOM Kavanaugh could be suspicious of that
And plus don’t act like we lost before the lawsuits start
People who doom about it, know less about law and election politics
The democrats want you to doom so you don’t investigate
That's their weapon
Trying to make other people doom
their weapon is to scare the population into doing it themselves
MI Governor is now on the shitlist
I think what Sydney is doing will probably continue after the results are certified
I think trump could win without the kraken
That is one of the main reasons she distanced herself, her case will take much longer
But could very well overturn an inauguration....
But the cases that the trump campaign put out are compelling
I think the kraken will just be getting rid of corruption
Yea, Sydney kraken is for later on ,but right now if we can stop them from certifying we win, and if what the trump team is saying true then we win.