Message from @JudgeAzule

Discord ID: 783899962999963678

2020-12-03 03:20:17 UTC  


2020-12-03 03:20:19 UTC  

michigan has a margin of 154,000 votes, "flipping it" would require a massive amount of evidence

2020-12-03 03:20:54 UTC  

Wrong all they have to prove is the stats are unreliable

2020-12-03 03:21:13 UTC  

And a judge to agree

2020-12-03 03:21:49 UTC  

No one truly knows what happened

2020-12-03 03:21:56 UTC  

Maybe Dominion

2020-12-03 03:22:05 UTC  

Where are they though

2020-12-03 03:23:37 UTC  

"prove the stats are unreliable"

2020-12-03 03:23:42 UTC  

thank you for agreeing

2020-12-03 03:24:30 UTC  

Your term massive seems to have made it seam to be almost impossible

2020-12-03 03:24:40 UTC  

All they need is a chance

2020-12-03 03:24:42 UTC  

it's going to take more than affidavits of impropriety and recounts. it requires a forensic audit which takes time, money, manpower and political will

2020-12-03 03:25:05 UTC  

That is depressing

2020-12-03 03:25:07 UTC  

trump has all of that

2020-12-03 03:25:59 UTC  

next you need those audits to uncover 154,000 individual votes to be proven in court to be improper, or you need to prove through computer forensics that the voting machines are corrupt.

2020-12-03 03:26:21 UTC  

next you need politicians and judges to stick their necks out to overturn the results

2020-12-03 03:28:34 UTC  

and finally, you'll need actual enforcement in corrupt districts, especially wayne county

2020-12-03 03:29:13 UTC  

wayne county alone has over 1,000 tabulators that will need to be checked for tampering and their print records verified

2020-12-03 03:29:43 UTC  

those tabulators haven't been secured and could have already been cleaned

2020-12-03 03:38:35 UTC  

This video is being reposted many times

2020-12-03 03:44:27 UTC  

rate my mom

2020-12-03 03:44:48 UTC  

0/10 blonde

2020-12-03 03:53:29 UTC  

0/10 kinda looks like blonde caitlyn jenner

2020-12-03 03:54:42 UTC  

Redo the election. Even if it isn’t fraud there is obvious signs of voting errors.

2020-12-03 03:55:23 UTC  

that would be amazing if the scotus ruled that

2020-12-03 03:55:28 UTC  

also paper only

2020-12-03 03:55:29 UTC  

no mail ins

2020-12-03 03:55:32 UTC  


2020-12-03 03:56:00 UTC  

people will complain but that’s their problem.

2020-12-03 03:56:21 UTC  

Just give everyone 2 weeks to vote in person and call it then

2020-12-03 03:56:58 UTC  

If there is no signs of voting errors after that and we still lose then oh well

2020-12-03 03:57:15 UTC  


2020-12-03 04:01:40 UTC

2020-12-03 04:02:29 UTC  

@Loideoi43 that’s a meme

2020-12-03 04:02:37 UTC  

Not necessarily news

2020-12-03 04:13:26 UTC  

No. Martial law will only make things worse. Both sides would be very unhappy with that. And in all honesty that would be in my opinion crossing the line into a dictator. It needs to be done through the courts so he doesn’t become the thing the left says he is. Because once that happens it get really hard to defend him.

2020-12-03 04:15:58 UTC  

It’s kinda with the insurrection act thing

2020-12-03 04:16:14 UTC  

It sounds good but you have to think about the reaction