Message from @PRIVILEGED N.P.C.

Discord ID: 784336484869472296

2020-12-04 08:14:28 UTC  

I'm willing to accept martial law if it saves us from losing all our rights forever

I am fine with anything as long as we get the real results of the election

I know Biden didn't win this fairly

2020-12-04 08:21:26 UTC  

Imo they need to make the presidental and congress races a federal matter state laws should only apply to state offices. I know Congress speaks for the states but that happens in a federal capacity

2020-12-04 08:21:55 UTC  

Federal laws should apply

2020-12-04 08:22:09 UTC  

Fingerprints required

2020-12-04 08:22:26 UTC  

they're supposed to apply on top of the existing state election laws

2020-12-04 08:22:36 UTC  

for federal elections

2020-12-04 08:22:53 UTC  

If you want illegals to ruin your state that's fine but they shouldn't decide all states officials

2020-12-04 08:23:11 UTC  

but i agree, the federal elections should be a separate event

2020-12-04 08:23:47 UTC  

Military hand count

2020-12-04 08:24:43 UTC  

Trump beat Covid in a weekend, Biden....

I think his dog is trying to kill him

2020-12-04 08:27:26 UTC  

Why was he pulling the dog’s tail

2020-12-04 08:27:51 UTC  

”Is this a hidden lever? I wonder what happens if I pull it”

Was he sniffing it or something?

2020-12-04 08:31:50 UTC  

Nah, the dog was in on the whole thing, kamala clearly paid the dog to "off" biden, but instead of landing on his head like planned biden got lucky.

2020-12-04 08:32:21 UTC  

Wait until he plays with a hamster.

2020-12-04 08:32:53 UTC  

Sounds like animal abuse to me

2020-12-04 08:32:53 UTC  

noo...i don't want to be sniffed

2020-12-04 08:33:10 UTC  

That's worse than murder in some circles

The dog is clearly stronger than him

2020-12-04 08:44:42 UTC  

Are we forgetting that america supposely elected a 78 year old as president?

2020-12-04 08:52:39 UTC  

True patriot must watch

2020-12-04 08:55:57 UTC  

it didnt

2020-12-04 08:56:21 UTC  

Ah Lindsey Graham being a swamp creature, nothing new here.

2020-12-04 08:56:43 UTC  

Lindsey Graham is just an all-around family friendly guy. :/

2020-12-04 08:57:01 UTC  

Guys got one odd spine tho, just comes and goes when confronting democrats.

2020-12-04 08:57:38 UTC  

I'd say he's friendly with Dems on a personal level, but confronts them on a political level.

2020-12-04 08:58:48 UTC  

Meh, i find it laughable to see kamala getting all this praise for getting vp, yet why hasn't she resigned yet from her seat?

2020-12-04 08:59:53 UTC  

I mean,her and biden won right? So why not resign to make the transition easier and let newcum pick the new appintee to the seat.

2020-12-04 09:00:15 UTC  

I think she's worried... about the lawsuits and about Joe Biden.

2020-12-04 09:00:25 UTC  

Does not show confidence in this election if u ask me.

2020-12-04 09:00:54 UTC  

Maybe she's waiting for the electors' vote

2020-12-04 09:01:12 UTC  

shes got to get them gov paychecks

2020-12-04 09:01:49 UTC  

Joe Biden has control over whether or not his place in the race stays... if something bad happens, she better hope to fall back on her Senate seat.

2020-12-04 09:02:07 UTC  

Yep, gotta milk out as much profit as i can from the government, otherwise how could i be part of the swamp.

2020-12-04 09:02:47 UTC  

thats the whole point of Camela-H and Biden. all in all swamp creatures

2020-12-04 09:03:21 UTC  

and too many NPC's blindly voted for their own doom

2020-12-04 09:03:52 UTC  

In my opinion it shows weakness in how confident they are in the election, same arguement with the audits we want, if u believe u won fair and square than you surely wouldn't mind an audit of all the votes right?