Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate

Discord ID: 792491432585330708

2020-12-24 09:49:54 UTC  

FOLLOW THE LINK, if this is real that is beyond insane.

2020-12-24 12:57:10 UTC  

It's why the media are writing endless hit pieces on Lukashenko

2020-12-24 14:13:13 UTC  

Saw this, have not verified but source is usual decant.

2020-12-24 15:57:40 UTC  

Brexit deal is finally done, Boris Johnson announces - The Times and The Sunday Times

At last we have finished Brexit.
Time for Trump to get this election done.

2020-12-24 16:12:01 UTC  

At long last. Not the best deal, but could have been much worse

2020-12-26 19:59:01 UTC  

why are they seizing vpn companies?

2020-12-26 20:14:59 UTC  


2020-12-26 20:15:43 UTC  

other nations around the world going after vpn's in their own nations

2020-12-26 20:33:38 UTC  

So... China will overtake the US as the largest economy in 2028 now, 5 years early that anticipated. And all because of Covid. Seems a bit... convenient 😕

2020-12-26 20:35:17 UTC  

well when u take liberal creativity into account of socialistic communism

2020-12-26 20:35:47 UTC  

at that point they're just recycling old shit

2020-12-26 20:36:11 UTC  

they need conservative free thinking to be really creative

2020-12-26 20:38:01 UTC  

most of the shit they make is under contract from corps that employ or buy up tech made by free thinkers when they take that out of the equation, they reach a point of no returns on research because they're not open minded enough to think outside the box of socialistic communism

2020-12-26 21:52:55 UTC  

Really? Because currently China is experiencing widespread blackouts in the middle of a harsh winter and imposing food restrictions on their people. I can't imagine they're doing too fantastic economically with their people freezing or if the country is unable to sustain food supplies. They're full of hot air.

2020-12-27 05:39:31 UTC  

Damn the CCP is insane ! I pity the Chinese citizens.

2020-12-27 07:48:45 UTC  

these are the ppl that got killed because their gov system went socialistic/communistic and decided to get racial against their own food source providers in africa....most if not all of the farmers in those nations are white..most of the black population in those nations have no clue how to farm for food or don't care to

2020-12-27 07:51:14 UTC  

in the past 1-2 yrs since they realized their mistake, they changed their gov system and routed out the problems hopefully enough to start begging for the remaining white farmers to come back to their respective nations to help grow the food for the ppl again....i really don't think they want to go back considering they barely escaped with their lives.

2020-12-27 12:13:21 UTC  


2020-12-28 13:19:37 UTC  


2020-12-28 15:11:30 UTC  

great news

2020-12-29 13:17:56 UTC  

It's a 2020 miracle.

2020-12-29 13:29:49 UTC  
2020-12-29 14:43:10 UTC

2020-12-29 15:06:02 UTC  

I want red pilled pope

2020-12-29 17:23:30 UTC  

I hope so.

2020-12-29 17:23:41 UTC