Message from @FatPaddyDangerfield
Discord ID: 769130416283975690
I'm gonna go from 10th/ last to 7th
The 49ers would be first in the East lol
I'm pulling for the Washington Football Team lol
guys, supercross is coming
pls Tampa don't let the Dodgers win
They will
I want Tampa Bay to win so bad
Otherwise everyone is gonna think that the Rams are next for the chip
Any rugby players in here?
Nah rugby sucks
Aussie rules the GOAT
> Otherwise everyone is gonna think that the Rams are next for the chip
If Tampa wins then everyone is gonna think Brady will get number 7
I don't know much about Austin rules except a handful of team names and the refs doing exaggerated pointing to indicate a try
> Aussie rules the GOAT
@FatPaddyDangerfield go the pies
Who u goin for in the finals?
Go the hawks haha
Goin for the cats
Wat state r u?
Still under commie lockdown
Yeah fuckin dan
Good to have a fellow Aussie on the server
> Yeah fuckin dan
@aussie amigos tell me about it
I thought i would change my name to suit
Haha yep
Big morrison fan?
I rekon he does a good job
Haha massive
Yea he’s a legend
I might even like scomo more than trump
I’m not sure