Message from @OffensiveTaco
Discord ID: 722092301068796045
@DapperShark did you take that
Its an iguana
Cool eyes lmao
He is so CUTE
Look at this cute animal that i cought
oh no
im scared
what even
what kind of spider is that
Mini jumping spider
it actually doesnt look that bad tbh
smol boi
I got a small tarantula boi too
Wannna see?
*o h n o*
Its c u t e
how could you even do that
I see it ans grab it
like.... ***hold it***
Lmao i'm going on a full spider marathon here
Should i stop?
Thats the kind of spider, I'm afraid that if I step on it, it'll actually be a chad and stop my boot. Laugh and then scurry away after it insults my wife.
just post em all lol
oh ffs
Shall i delete?
nah i dont really care that much