Message from @kyzercube

Discord ID: 726981036717768784

2020-06-29 01:52:09 UTC  

@kyzercube I use this

2020-06-29 01:53:44 UTC  

I use my cell phone...

2020-06-29 01:54:06 UTC  

> @Diabeł Boruta That's great and all for normal photography, but astro-photography is different. You don't take pics for aesthetics. In astrophotography you take pics for data.

2020-06-29 01:54:27 UTC  

I used to, but cellphones are severely limited because of the size of the CMOS chip

2020-06-29 01:54:38 UTC  

99% of my videos are made with a ZTE cellphone 😛

2020-06-29 01:54:50 UTC  

I just now bought a DLSR and am only now learning how to use it

2020-06-29 01:54:54 UTC  

Well mine was made in the U.S

2020-06-29 01:55:09 UTC  

I bought mine 3 years ago. I get a pass lol

2020-06-29 01:55:13 UTC  


2020-06-29 01:55:22 UTC  

In 1910

2020-06-29 01:55:27 UTC  


2020-06-29 01:56:35 UTC  

For the most part I use this rollex

2020-06-29 01:57:00 UTC  

This was from the same telescope with my ZTE cellphone. It's the Christmas comet from late 2018.

2020-06-29 01:58:01 UTC  

I have a crappy EQ mount. Never polar aligns good, hence the blotchy stars. This was a long 60 second exposure. A DSLR can do the same in just 1 second of exposure because of the much larger CMOS chip size.

2020-06-29 01:58:14 UTC  

In the telescope world, bigger is always better 😛

2020-06-29 01:58:54 UTC  

Here's a photo from the rollex

2020-06-29 01:59:22 UTC  

I can almost see a Corona virus!!

2020-06-29 02:00:48 UTC  

Here's a better one 😂

2020-06-29 02:01:13 UTC  

Now that's cool 👍

2020-06-29 02:02:28 UTC  

Now this one is from my phone

2020-06-29 02:03:05 UTC  

This is what I meant earlier about exposure. Many times in astrophotography, we HAVE to over-expose for certain things to reveal themselves. Almost all the small dots around this overexposed image of Saturn are actually moons

2020-06-29 02:03:52 UTC  

They reflect so little light that ( depending on the size of your CMOS chip or image collector ) you actually HAVE to overexpose

2020-06-29 02:05:26 UTC  

Now I want to go find my old telescope

2020-06-29 02:06:01 UTC  

is it a reflector or refractor and what's the aperture?

2020-06-29 02:07:30 UTC  

Your camera skills are very good. I'm literally an SLR novice. Just now getting my feet wet lol

2020-06-29 02:07:46 UTC  

nice stuff ppl

2020-06-29 02:08:12 UTC  

I just know telescopes and astronomy. Camera stuff for me is something I'm just now jumping into

2020-06-29 02:08:56 UTC  

amazing that ole rolex works so well.

2020-06-29 02:09:09 UTC  

or perhaps I should not be surprized

2020-06-29 02:10:15 UTC  

I don't remember what it is, but it looks like this I found it in a scrapyard a few years back @kyzercube

2020-06-29 02:10:23 UTC  

@Diabeł Boruta I had a SLR ( film ) but it got destroyed in the 2016 flood. I live in Louisiana, the area where that massive flood happened back then.

2020-06-29 02:10:45 UTC  

@Diabeł Boruta OMG 🤤 Peer mounted too

2020-06-29 02:11:09 UTC  

That looks like somthing from starwars, super cool

2020-06-29 02:11:30 UTC  

You found that in a scrapyard!!!??

2020-06-29 02:11:43 UTC  

I want to take it to bed with me!!

2020-06-29 02:11:47 UTC  


2020-06-29 02:11:56 UTC  

I believe it an old Contraves EOTS Cinetheodolite Telescope Missile Tracker

2020-06-29 02:12:15 UTC  

I bet its not light in weight

2020-06-29 02:12:22 UTC  

No, It is not.

2020-06-29 02:12:32 UTC  

But mines is a lot more rusty

2020-06-29 02:12:38 UTC  

That's the thing about telescopes. The heavier the mount, the better it is.