Message from @Marquis De Lafayette
Discord ID: 726985409313112094
@[TDE] Smokie what do you think about China and India
Theyre both full of a bunch of asians
You think they're gonna fight?
Like.... war? Cause they've been fighting for a long time now
Well China has been sending troops to their border since like May and India has recently started to
Even though they agreed not to back in the 1980s
Or something
What’s happening with China?
They're sending troops to the India China border
Since like May
More troops recently
But like India has started to as well now
They better get ready for a hell of a fight trying to breach into India
Yeah 😅
The Indo-Chinese boarder is very mountainous and an extremely dangerous place to invade through, and those mountains give the Indian Military the ability to set up ambush points
Im bettin on India, mostly because China for the most part doesnt equip the soldiers with even basic armor and their guns are all crap
Also the Himalayas are just best places to use artillery 101 because of all the narrow straights and passes that armies have to be funneled through
So China's fucked tryin to get in
No need for mass artillery just place a couple of well aimed shots towards the top of the mountains and you’ll bury the entire army
That too
Man this discord is amazing
But then this is also a doubled edged sword for india, because rhen China could use the same tactics against them and make it impossible to get through
If this war happens then it will be China invading India and India will have no need to counter invade
But if India gets hot headed with a successful defense, they'll go on the offensive which will be a mistake
It will be but I feel like President Trump will send in advisers and keep them from going on the offensive
This will be a proxy war with the US and Russia but on an extremely larger scale
Tho i have to wonder, whats happenin with China's navy? Been real silent for a while
I don’t think it’s a real threat because even if they have the backing of Russia, they’re Navy is really built to defend their holdings
Meanwhile our Navy is built to kick ass and go on the offensive