Message from @Pal3Rid3r
Discord ID: 787944879435153429
do you draw those, if so your a beast at drawing
He draws some and designs others digitally I believe
Holy... He is god at it
It always impresses me
i remember when i use to draw mili planes then i decided that i didnt like what i was doing with drawing and burned all my pictures
Be ready patriots. I feel the martial law coming.
you feel it?
I'm just gonna get some wood planks, nails, and anything else
no need for that when you have guns 😉
Im not old enough to own one yet, and i live in CA
well shit
I got some airsoft ones tho
yes that will work
I’m not saying arm up. I’m saying get enough food in your house for two weeks.
If it comes. No one will leave their house. Not for work. Not for anything.
except those "peaceful" protester
If executive order 13848 comes into play does that mean antifa members go straight to trial under a military tribunal or straight up body bagged?
seen someone mention this guy on /r/CombatFootage so I went and watched this video. I hadn't cried in so long. may he RIP and his sacrifice never forgotten.
Shame he died
How new is this?
I still need to find out
I think its 10 years old
Atleast that is all i could find
Woulda thought it was newer
Similar to Poland's PL-01
But PL-01 is an stealth tank, this one has an bigger gun and more armor
Compared to leopard 2
Besides i have found this monster M1 Abrams with an 140mm or 152mm gun (depends on which version) because i searched leopard 2 revolution
I thought the Thumper had just a 140mm gun
And I referenced the PL-01 as a recent development
PL-01 is isnt really new tho, its just an upgraded swedish tank
Ah interesting
Just like leopard 2 revolution
The turret is new but the hull is the same