Message from @aLaSkA
Discord ID: 778818550236184617
good cheesy or cringe cheesy?
I have a question-
go for it
Am I allowed to post history here?...
I wanna do the history of the cia-
*I ‘ m -*
you're not allowed to post history in the history channel
yes you can post history in the history channel
do you think the mods are going to warn you for posting links they think aren't part of the conversation?
I don’t know- was there a convo going on beforehand?....
nah you're good
i'm just memeing
Oh ok-
you can post about the CIA
*lemme get my sources*
In 1941, there was an office called the Office of the Coordinator Of Information, this was an intelligence and propaganda agency of the United States government founded on July 11th, 1941, this agency was the predecessor of the Office of Strategic services, which would later be formed in 1942. Coordinator of Information was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, due to the United States involvement in World War Two. This agency was intended to overcome the lack of coordination between existing agencies which, in part, did it by duplicating some of their functions.
Roosevelt had been persuaded to make the office months before the United States entered World War Two, by prominent New York Lawyer, William J, Donovan, who was dispatched to London by the president to assess the ability of the British to continue the fighting after Germany took over France.
British officials also encouraged Franklin to create the agency
Fast forward a bit, Mr. Roosevelt eventually had made the decision to split the functions and created two new agencies, the Office Of Strategic Services (Predecessor of the C.I.A) and the Office of War Information (Predecessor of the U.S.I.A)
I feel like my historical picture was deleted
Oh I didn’t see that one-
Not even the border guards like communism
Bout to continue with me essay-
The Office Of Strategic Services, or, the O.S.S for short, was a wartime intelligence agency in World War Two. The agency was founded on June 13th of 1942, and was created to coordinate espionage activities behind enemies lines for all of the u.s armed forces. The O.S.S also included the use of propaganda, subversion, and post-war planning. And some people decided to give this agency an award in 2016- despite the O.S.S being dissolved on September 20th, 1945, nearly a whole two years before its successor, the C.I.A, was created
The O.S.S was dissolved due to Mr. President, Harry Truman, deciding that William J. Donovan’s plan for the office had ear marks of a gestapo, a gestapo was the ||Nazi|| Germany secret service, and there fore, was disbanded after we nuked Japan.
And two years later.
The Central Intelligence Agency had been formed.
The C.I.A was formed on September 18th of 1947.