Message from @cha_rless

Discord ID: 792792623601287208

2020-12-27 00:21:12 UTC  


2020-12-27 07:43:42 UTC  

Like I was saying

2020-12-27 07:44:34 UTC  

They treated the Chinese and Irish like Shit

2020-12-27 14:16:30 UTC  

i missed your message :\

2020-12-27 15:03:02 UTC  

Chechen militants who supposedly had contact with US intellegance in Azerbaijan (claimed by Vladimir Putin)

2020-12-27 15:06:13 UTC  

A Russian man who was born in Grozny sat beside a destroyed Russian tank, drinking a shot of Vodka in memory of the crew that died inside it

2020-12-27 15:10:17 UTC  

The loss during the Battle of Verdun is hard to comprehend the large scale of destruction to both land mass and life. It is said that from the start of the battle to the end that every minute a soldier would die usually by Artillery fire or rifle fire. The body’s of the fallen soldiers would become their resting place for many years as they were a constant reminder to their comrades and fellow soldiers of what gruesome fate awaits them.

2020-12-27 15:10:44 UTC  

The men that fought during the long grim battle would called The Battle of Verdun the “ meat grinder “ as the mud and destroyed wasteland would ultimately be their grave in which they lived in day upon day, Night upon Night.

2020-12-27 15:10:47 UTC  

Approximately seventy percent of the 800,000 casualties at Verdun were caused by artillery. During their opening bombardment, the Germans launched two million shells. Compared to other engagements at that time, this became the largest and longest artillery bombardment yet seen.In fact, at the time of war, the two sides eventually fired between 40 and 60 million shells. Rumbles from the barrages were heard as far as 100 miles away, and soldiers described certain hills as being so heavily bombed that they gushed fire like volcanoes. Men were nearly disintegrated by the showers of artillery and thousands of bodies were unrecognizable. Those lucky enough to survive were often left with severe shell shock. “You eat beside the dead”, two French soldiers wrote, “you drink beside the dead, you relieve yourself beside the dead, and you sleep beside the dead”.

2020-12-27 15:50:02 UTC  

You run this channel lol

2020-12-27 15:50:16 UTC  

You are history

2020-12-27 15:57:24 UTC  

this picture was taken in fort de vaux

2020-12-27 16:00:16 UTC  

As the German troops pushed forward closer as they took Fleury-devant-Douaumont and Fort Souville they were now within two miles of the City of Verdun.

2020-12-27 16:00:26 UTC  

However to the French’s advantage in July the Germans had to halt advancement as they were to hold back and provide troops, ammunition and artillery to prepare for the Battle of the Somme which would become the bloodiest of the War.From 23 June to 17 August, Fleury changed hands sixteen times and a German attack on Fort Souville failed. The offensive was reduced further but to keep French troops in the RFV, away from the Somme, ruses were used to disguise the change. In September and December, French counter-offensives recaptured much ground on the east bank and recovered Fort Douaumont and Fort Vaux.

2020-12-27 16:00:28 UTC  

Ultimately the Battle of the Somme would play a part in helping relieve pressure off the French during the battle of Verdun as the Somme would not only achieve advancing grounds at the Somme but take German resources and troops from the Battle of Verdun.

2020-12-27 16:01:17 UTC  

In conclusion the battle of Verdun would result in a huge loss of life for both sides and all in defence of the French city Verdun. The Battle of Verdun was to the Germans a game of Attrition as the German commander-in-chief, General Erich von Falkenhayn, devised a bizarre strategy for his men’s assault in February 1916; it was not to break through, nor even to capture a key city, but to lure the French army into a trap where it would be “bled white” by superior German firepower. The trap was the defence of a bastion that, for strategic, historic (and moral) reasons, the Grand Quartier Général – France’s wartime headquarters – could not afford to give up. The city of Verdun lay only 150 miles along the direct route from Paris, in a temptingly exposed salient on the Western Front.

The very choice of words by General Falkenhayn, “bleed the French army white”, suggested the image by which this battle would for ever be associated. However, Verdun “bled” the attacking Germans in almost equal measure. Yet, well beyond the war of 1914-18, Verdun would stand out in French memory as the amulet signifying supreme courage, and supreme sacrifice.

2020-12-27 16:02:56 UTC  

Fort Douaumont was the main fortwhich surrounded the city of Verdun but the other forts nearby were also captured and heavily bombarded daily. The Germans fired 10,000,000 shells alone during the 9 months of the Battle Of Verdun causing incredible damage to the forts , land and even the City of Verdun.
Most of which is still visible today

2020-12-27 16:33:43 UTC  

People posted about vietnam

2020-12-27 16:34:50 UTC  

Bảy Viễn meeting with a French journalist

2020-12-27 16:34:50 UTC  

That was me

2020-12-27 16:35:06 UTC  


2020-12-27 19:11:00 UTC  

And to add to the apocalyptic scale of the battle, the entire region is uninhabitable to this day with there still being high levels of chemicals like Arsenic, not to mention the sheer number of unexploded shells there

2020-12-27 19:14:25 UTC  

The Somme and Stalingrad, to name a few large battles, while they had comparable Death tolls, You are still able able to visit and live in both places, meanwhile the Verdun Area is still a quagmire of unexploded ordinance and toxic gasses

2020-12-27 19:51:46 UTC

2020-12-27 20:33:45 UTC  

Obama was the president

2020-12-27 22:23:01 UTC  

General Erich Von Falkenhayn

2020-12-27 22:24:51 UTC  

Germans would ultimately take the fort and many French would remain prisoner in the fort during the fort being occupied by German forces.

2020-12-27 22:25:43 UTC  

In May of 1916 The French had managed to recapture Fort Douaumont but despite this the German forces managed to repel the French counter attacks as the Germans had changed their tactics which involved attacking smaller forts nearby and surrounding area.However after the French recaptured the Fort Douaumont and were repelled the Germans took many French troops as prisoners. And they started to push into the area of Fleury-devant-Douaumont and Fort Souville. Driving a salient ( a pocket of land ) into the French territory. In June the Germans had managed to capture Fort Vaux.

2020-12-27 22:25:45 UTC  

Fort vaux was slightly better defended that Fort douaumont but even though the fort housed 600 French reserve troops they were no match for the 5,200 German troops which managed to take it just months after the fall of Fort Douaumont.

2020-12-27 22:26:42 UTC

2020-12-27 22:31:06 UTC  

Comparison of Fort Douaumont Before and after the Battle of Verdun.

2020-12-27 22:31:37 UTC  

My map of the future if the Great Reset happens

2020-12-27 22:32:14 UTC  

Quebec and the west coast revolt against the AR

2020-12-27 22:32:27 UTC  

Norway and Finland are fighting against Russia and the socialist EU

2020-12-27 22:33:41 UTC  

German Captains and Lieutenant that lead the raid into the Fort Douaumont.
Captain Hans-Joachim Haupt
Lieutenant-Colonel Von Oven
Captain Cordt Von Brandis

2020-12-27 22:35:08 UTC  

The fort Douaumont was one of the many Forts that circled the city of Verdun since the 1890s and had significant weaponry and artillery positions. However the fort fell without a fight on the 26th of February 1916 the Germans managed to take the fort with a small German raiding force composing of 19 German Officers and 79 men. This detrimental blow to the French army caused hysteria and Crippled moral for local french civilians and panic even broke out in the city of Verdun and across France as their impenetrable city had been taken with ease. One of the major factors that resulted in the loss of the Huge fort was simply the poor placement of French Reserve troops mainly where elderly mostly aged around 40-50s and with such a small force of around 56 troops and a hand full of machine gunners.

2020-12-27 22:35:10 UTC  

This proved to be an important placement of German forces which where able to push even closer to the city of Verdun and ultimately became the German victory that General Erich Von Falkenhayn had planned. He was praised for a quick successful blow to France’s Most heavily Defended Military position which would be the very beginning of a horrific battle for a city with such a Great loss of life.

2020-12-27 22:41:44 UTC  

look its my grandpa

2020-12-27 22:41:46 UTC  
